Wemec Brewchin comes from an unusual family. His parents, both dwarves, were born in the mountains, but they decided to leave and live in a human city. Wemec was born in a large house in the noble district of the city.
Surprisingly, the young Wemec wasn't interested in the family business of brewing. Instead, he preferred to spend his days reading books and listening to stories.
One of his childhood friends was a halfling named Pippin. Pippin was always getting into trouble, and Wemec was often the one to help him out of it. As Wemec grew older, he began to notice that he was attracted to other men. In the human city, this was not accepted, but the dwarf community was more tolerant.
Wemec eventually left the city and returned to the mountains. He opened a brewery and quickly gained a reputation for his excellent ale. His motivation for brewing was not profit, but the joy it brought to others. His best friend is a human bard named Corin. The two of them often perform together, with Corin singing and Wemec providing the ale.
Wemec has never married, but he has had many love affairs throughout his long life. He is happy and kind, and his beard is a thing of legend. It is long and thick, but always neatly groomed. For Wemec, spiritual beliefs are a private matter, but he does believe that everyone has the right to be happy.
Aside from his skill at brewing, Wemec is also an excellent storyteller. He has a talent for weaving tales that leave his listeners spellbound. He has a phobia of heights and feels uneasy when he is too far above the ground.
One of his famous quotes is, "Life is too short to drink bad ale." Wemec's dream is to one day create the perfect brew, a beer that will be remembered for generations. His symbol is a tankard, and he always carries one with him.