Character portrait
23 years old
245 cm (8'0'')
271 kg (597 lbs)
Frerion, 23 years old
Male draconid
Archetype: warrior
Background: soldier
Height: 245 cm (8'0'')
Weight: 271 kg (597 lbs)

Frerion is a towering figure, with jet black scales glistening in the light. His bright red eyes show a cunning intellect and his razor-sharp talons have dealt countless deadly blows. He is a dragon-man. Draconians are a rare and feared species, born of a union between dragons and humans. Frerion is the epitome of an evil warrior, despised by many and feared by all.

He was born into a powerful family of aristocratic dragons. His father was a revered leader in the dragon community, renowned for his wisdom and ferocity in battle. Frerion was raised with the expectation that he would follow in his father's footsteps and become a great warrior. The family closely guarded their secrets, and Frerion was not privy to much of his family's past.

His early life was one of privilege and luxury. The family's wealth and position ensured that Frerion had access to the finest training and education. He was a gifted fighter, and even as a young dragon-man, he was formidable in battle. As he grew older, his childhood friend, a dragon named Varrax, became his loyal companion and confidant. Together, they trained, battled and achieved great victories.

As Frerion further developed his skills, he became more and more ruthless. He had no qualms about killing those who stood in his way or betraying his allies. He was known for his cunning and trickery, often using his intelligence to outmaneuver his enemies. His current occupation is that of a warlord, leading an army of draconians and other dark creatures on raids, conquests, and pillaging missions. His motive is power and dominance. He wishes to rule over all lands, commanding all creatures to bend to his will.

Frerion has no allies, only servants and subordinates. He believes everyone and everything serves his interests and is expendable at his will. He doesn't believe in love or romance, he sees it as a frivolous distraction from his pursuit of power. He is married, but only for political reasons, to secure his family's power and alliances with other dragon clans.

Frerion's political opinions are simple; Might makes Right. He sees any attempt at peace, harmony or political cooperation as foolishness from naive creatures who are too weak to understand the cruel realities of life. He thrives on political intrigue, using deception and manipulation to play his enemies against each other.

Frerion's life-defining event came when he was still a young dragon-man, and his father was killed. Frerion was forced to take over his father's role as the family leader, but he did so with a sense of vengeance. He swore to avenge his father's death and to bring down those responsible. This event shaped his personality, making him even more ruthless and determined.

Frerion has some mannerisms and quirks that have become synonymous with his personality. He has a habit of staring intensely at his enemies, as if analyzing their every move. He often plays with his talons while thinking or speaking. His symbol is a black dragon with a red background, representing his power and dominance.

Frerion wears an amulet made of dragon bone, adorned with rubies that glow a fiery red. It was a gift from his father, and it is said to bestow great strength and ferocity on the wearer. Frerion never takes it off, claiming that it is a symbol of his family's power and heritage, and it brings him luck.

Frerion is a complex and compelling figure, feared by many and revered by few. His ruthless pursuit of power and dominance makes him a formidable enemy and a dangerous ally. He is a dragon-man who has carved his path to greatness through blood and fire, and his name will be remembered in the annals of history as a ruthless conqueror.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0