Character portrait
Almin Drazrus
67 years old
190 cm (6'3'')
103 kg (227 lbs)
Almin Drazrus, 67 years old
Male human
Archetype: creator
Background: artisan
Height: 190 cm (6'3'')
Weight: 103 kg (227 lbs)

Almin Drazrus is a man with a passion for creation. From a young age, he showed an affinity for woodworking and spent most of his childhood crafting small trinkets for family and friends. As he grew older, Almin's talent blossomed, and he soon became a notable artisan in his village.

Under the guidance of a wise old mentor, Almin learned the intricacies of his craft and honed his skills further. His mentor, a stoic man with a fondness for strong ale, took Almin under his wing and showed him the secrets of creating beautiful works of art from simple blocks of wood.

Throughout his development as a woodworker, Almin's best friend was his own imagination. He spent endless hours daydreaming about the fantastic worlds he could create with his art. His fantasies led him to carve intricate designs into his creations, bringing them to life with vivid details.

Despite his peaceful and creative nature, Almin's enemies were abundant. In particular, a rival artisan, whose envy of Almin's talent exceeded any friendship they once shared, plotted against him numerous times.

However, Almin remained steadfast in his work and eventually found the love of his life. His marriage to a beautiful woman from a neighboring village provided him with both stability and motivation to push his craft to new heights.

Despite his successes, Almin has some hidden fears. He worries that his creative spark may fizz out, or that his success could lead to his downfall. However, his personality suggests otherwise: Almin is determined to leave a positive impact on the world and spread joy through his art.

As for life creeds, Almin firmly believes that great accomplishments arise from simple beginnings. His morality values integrity and honesty above all else, and he is an advocate for the underdog, even if it doesn't always serve his own interests.

Politically, Almin remains neutral, choosing not to take a public stance on current political issues. Language-wise, he's fluent in the common tongue, Elvish and Dwarvish. Quirks-wise, he has a peculiar habit of twirling his beard when he's agitated.

Almin's history is somewhat tangled, but his disability (a stiff right hip) slightly hampers his mobility. His favorite song is a soft ballad about a young artist crafting a masterpiece, which serves as a reminder that his best creations are yet to come.

When asked about his most treasured symbol, Almin speaks passionately about the tree, his primary source of inspiration. The rooted giants that tower over the forests are a testament to the power of nature, the beauty of simplicity, and the importance of growth.

Despite all his success and accomplishments, Almin remains a humble man at heart, who's grateful for the opportunities that have come his way to live a life of creation and imagination.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0