Character portrait
1692 years old
159 cm (5'3'')
121 kg (267 lbs)
Ogdren, 1692 years old
Female angel
Archetype: sage
Background: doctor
Height: 159 cm (5'3'')
Weight: 121 kg (267 lbs)

Ogdren, a benevolent angel of kindness and healing, descended to the mortal realm at the behest of Tara, the goddess of mercy, during the tumultuous year that marked the genesis of a devastating conflict between the rival kingdoms of Abovador and Irogat.

In her terrestrial incarnation, Ogdren serves as a dedicated physician within the austere confines of the military hospital in the embattled kingdom of Abovador. For eight arduous years, this realm has been locked in a relentless struggle for independence, and Ogdren has been a steadfast pillar of solace and recovery amid the ceaseless turmoil.

Her true celestial nature remains a profound secret, known only to the veiled realms of the divine. Neither her colleagues nor her patients are privy to the celestial origin of her extraordinary healing abilities, often attributing her miraculous talents to the divine providence of God.

Driven by an unwavering desire to alleviate suffering and mend the wounded, Ogdren remains impervious to the allure of wealth and power. Her singular focus centers on the conscientious discharge of her duties as a healer, and she harbors no ulterior motives beyond the alleviation of human affliction.

Compassion and kindness flow through Ogdren's celestial veins. Her moral compass steers her unwaveringly toward righteousness, and she stands ever ready to extend her healing touch to friends and strangers alike. Her medical prowess, illuminated by a radiant intellect, marks her as an exceptionally gifted physician.

One pivotal moment etched indelibly in Ogdren's memory was her pivotal role in saving an entire city from the clutches of a devastating and virulent plague. The harrowing day of that triumphant battle against pestilence remains etched in her celestial consciousness, a testament to the boundless potential for good within her.

In the celestial tapestry of her existence, Ogdren shares an unbreakable bond with her dearest confidante, Tear, a fellow angel. Their celestial companionship has withstood the crucible of trials and tribulations, and Ogdren's devotion to Tear knows no bounds; she would willingly traverse any abyss to safeguard her cherished friend.

The emblem of Ogdren's celestial essence is a resplendent golden angelic wing—a symbol that represents her profound aspiration to shield humanity from myriad perils. Her noble quest for the preservation of life knows no limits, often placing her own existence in jeopardy as she dares the impossible to aid others. Her dream to protect humanity serves as a radiant beacon of inspiration to all who are fortunate enough to cross her path.

However, within the celestial hierarchy, Ogdren bears the weight of a complex history with another angel, Damiel. Once inseparable as the closest of friends, the passage of time has eroded their celestial bond, leaving them estranged and barely on speaking terms.

In her own words, Ogdren succinctly captures the essence of her altruism, declaring, "If I help someone, it's because I want to. Not because I need to." These words, a reflection of her unwavering dedication to the cause of compassion and healing, serve as an enduring testament to her resplendent character.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0