Character portrait
Key Ssa Ka'rok
25 years old
165 cm (5'5'')
95 kg (209 lbs)
Key Ssa Ka'rok, 25 years old
Male lizardman
Archetype: outcast
Background: shaman
Height: 165 cm (5'5'')
Weight: 95 kg (209 lbs)

Key Ssa Ka'rok, often referred to simply as Ssarok by his human friends, is a young lizardman who once held a prestigious position as a shaman within his clan in the Marshlands of Zathir. Born into the Ka'rok lineage, Ssarok's family has long been known for their deep connection to the Ways of Nature, the most ancient form of magic within Arra. This family secret — an ability to communicate with the flora and fauna of the marshlands — was passed down through generations, and Ssarok was chosen early on by the elders to continue this tradition.

From an early age, Ssarok displayed an unusual affinity for the mystical arts. Childhood for Ssarok was a mix of rigorous mystical training and exploration of the sprawling marshlands. He often communed with the ancient spirits inhabiting the wetlands, gaining wisdom and insight that his peers could only dream of. Formal education was an immersive experience for him; it combined practical survival skills with esoteric knowledge. Under the tutelage of elders, he learned the intricate rituals, elixirs, and chants that had been guarded by the lizardfolk for millennia. By the age of 15, Ssarok completed a rite of passage that sanctioned his role as shaman.

Ssarok healed the sick, communicated with the spirits to ensure favorable weather, and protected the clan from malevolent forces. However, his prominence also earned him the ire of less talented but more ambitious. Intrigue and envy festered in the shadows, and soon, a plot to usurp him was underway.

Betrayal came in the form of poisonous accusations in dark sorcery. Ssarok was framed for a terrible drought that plagued the marshlands, accused of angering the spirits and cursing the clan. With no one to defend him, he was exiled, forbidden from ever returning to his homeland.

Wandering the unforgiving terrain of Zathir, Ssarok's deep knowledge of the Ways of Nature proved invaluable. He survived by tapping into the very essence of the land, sometimes sharing his wisdom in exchange for food and shelter from distant villages he passed. His travels eventually brought him to the Blue Spile, a fortress belonging to Lord Surreck, a human noble known for his eccentric nature.

Impressed by Ssarok's look and skills, Lord Surreck offered him a position within his guard. Here, Ssarok found a new purpose. While technically a guard, his primary role meant protecting the castle from threats and offering mystical counsel to Lord Surreck. It was a diverse role, blending his shamanistic talents with new forms of magic and combat training uniquely human in origin.

Despite finding a place where he is now valued, Ssarok remains marked by his past. He often ponders the betrayal and dreams of one day returning to clear his name. His regal stature is a testament to his resilient spirit, but his eyes — deep pools of emerald — reflect the pain and wisdom gained through his trials.

Ssarok's talents are manifold. Alongside his prowess in the Ways of Nature, he is skilled in herbalism, capable of crafting potent potions, and remedies. His ability to communicate with animals makes him an exceptional scout.

Culturally, Ssarok adheres to many traditional customs of his clan, even in exile. He performs daily rituals to honor the spirits and wears a Greenstone necklace - a symbol of his clan. His greatest wish is to return to Zathir, to confront those who wronged him, and to restore his honor.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0