Pyrkeag is a green-skinned goblin with long ears. He was born to a family of scholars in a small, isolated village. As a child, Pyrkeag was fiercely intelligent, displaying an innate charisma and wit.
He loved learning and exploring new places, and found joy in uncovering secrets. However, Pyrkeag grew restless and yearned for more. He began to explore the surrounding forests and countryside, seeking knowledge and adventure.
Soon, he was known as thegoblin who knew everything. Pyrkeag's thirst for knowledge led him to cross paths with many powerful magicians and adventurers. He quickly developed a reputation as a powerful seeker, possessing vast knowledge in many fields.
However, Pyrkeag never sought glory or recognition - he only sought to learn and enrich himself. Over the years, Pyrkeag has amassed a vast library of knowledge, and continues to travel the world in search of new knowledge.
He remains a respected figure in the magical community, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Pyrkeag is fiercely independent, and doesn't easily trust others.
However, he has a deep friendship with his best friend, a human named Brae. In spite of their differences, they rely on each other and are always there for each other when needed.
Pyrkeag is also afraid of the dark, and tends to stay away from places where there are too many shadows. He lives by the motto "knowledge is power", and believes that knowledge is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the world.
He holds strong convictions in the principles of free will and free thought, and views knowledge as a tool that can be used to change the world for the better. He is also known for his famous quote " Knowledge is power, and power is the true Measure of a Man."