Character portrait
Kanno Kaa
27 years old
160 cm (5'3'')
55 kg (121 lbs)
Kanno Kaa, 27 years old
Female human
Archetype: seeker
Background: outlander
Height: 160 cm (5'3'')
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)

Kanno Kaa was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but the wind and the stars to keep her company. As a child, she loved exploring the abandoned buildings and woods that lay around her, and she spent hours dreamily gazing at the night sky.

But when she was eleven, something changed. A group of strange people appeared in her town, proclaiming themselves to be protectors of the people. They forced her parents to get on board with their agenda, and soon Kanno was being pulled away from her home and thrust into the life of a seeker.

She was trained in the ways of the dark side, and she quickly became a powerful wizard. But the more she learned, the more she realized that the people she had been taught to protect were nothing but monsters.

She left her home and the Seekers who had once chosen her, and she started travelling the land, seeking out truth and understanding. But even now, the memories of her childhood home haunt her, and she can never forget the pain and hurt that the town and her family caused her.

Nowadays, Kanno works as a teacher and wizard, seeking to help others find understanding and peace. She is also married to a man she met during her travels, and they have a son and a daughter. She is a kind and gentle person, and she always tries to do what she can to help those she cares for.

Kanno is a seeker at heart, and she loves to learn new things. She is also a powerful wizard, and she uses her skills to help others whenever she can. She is proud of her accomplishments, and she always tries to live life to the fullest.

Her favorite food is cucumber salad, and her symbol is a purple gem. Her favorite weapon is a staff, and her famous quote is "There is no spoon that can't taste better once you've tasted the truth."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0