Nugbu was born to a criminal family, and from an early age he learned how to survive in the dangerous world of the orcs. He was constantly on the run, stealing and scamming his way to a better life. But Nugbu didn't just want riches; he wanted to be the best at what he did. He was relentless in his pursuit of victory, no matter the cost.
As Nugbu got older, he started to make connections in the criminal underworld. He became a feared figure, and his skills as a thief and fighter were second to none. He was able to make a fortune and build a powerful empire, but at what cost? Nugbu was ruthless and cold-blooded, and he didn't care about anyone but himself.
Now, at age 19, Nugbu is a respected member of the orc community. He's still a thief and a murderer, but he's also a shrewd businessman and a powerful leader. He's earned the trust of the other orc leaders, and they see him as a legitimate threat to their power.
Nugbu has a dark secret, though. He's actually a demon, and he's always looking for a opportunity to take revenge on his enemies. He's always looking for a new way to make money and power, and he has no loyalty to anyone but himself. In fact, he's barely constrained by moral values at all. He's a coldblooded killer, and he doesn't care what he has to do to get what he wants.
But Nugbu has one great virtue: his total disregard for human life. He's never hesitated to kill any human he's found, even if it's in the name of profit or power. He views humans as nothing but pests, and he has no qualms about slaughtering them in cold blood.
Even so, Nugbu isn't without his weaknesses. He's cocky and arrogant, and he's never been able to resist a challenge. This has often led him into tough situations where he couldn't survive, and it's also caused him to make some poor decisions.
But Nugbu is a determined and resourceful fighter, and he's never given up on his dreams. He'll continue to pursue his goals, no matter what the cost, until he finally achieves his ultimate goal: world domination.
Famous quote: "I'm the destroyer of worlds, and I will have my revenge on the human race."
Mannerism: Nugbu is always wearing a dark, devilish grin, and he seems to revel in his role as a powerful criminal lord. He's also known for his disturbing green skin, which is a stark contrast to the typical orc complexion of black and tan.
Secret: Nugbu is actually bisexual. He enjoys the company of both humans and orcs, and he's never been afraid to experiment with different sex partners. He's always seeking new thrills and new experiences, and he loves nothing more than mixing together the races and cultures to create something new and exciting.