Brordrean Bluntfall is a dwarf with a bushy beard, a merchant at heart who traverses the mountains of the fantasy world in search of fortunes untold.
Born in the shadow of the great peak of Mount Cragglehorn, Brordrean is the son of hearty dwarf traders who made their living in the bustling markets of the nearby dwarven realm. His father was a skilled metalworker and his mother, a clever jeweler, and between them, they instilled in their son a love for commerce and a fierce devotion to family.
Brordrean Bluntfall may be just another dwarf in a sea of traders, but he has a proud ancestry. His great-great-great-great-grandfather was a legendary adventurer who discovered a secret chamber of gold in an ancient dwarven stronghold. The wealth and fame of this ancestor have passed down through the generations, and Brordrean longs to make a name for himself in the world.
As a child, Brordrean remembers running wild through the mountain meadows with his childhood friend, a young dwarf named Kelgran Stoneforge. The two mischievous youngsters would scamper over rocky outcroppings and chase after mountain goats as they dreamed of adventure.
Early on in his life, Brordrean developed a love for trading, and he joined his parents scouting the bazaars of various mountain strongholds. In particular, he marveled at the bustling marketplaces in the dwarven citadels, with their endless rows of wares.
Over time, Brordrean has become an expert in his chosen field of work, traveling from city to city, seeking out rare treasures, and striking deals at every turn. He has made many friends along the way and has built up an impressive roster of regular clients who eagerly await his arrival.
Brordrean's motivations are clear; he has a passion for trading and a desire to provide for his family, both immediate and extended. His best friend is still Kelgran Stoneforge, and the two often meet up while on the road, trading tales of their adventures over a warm beer or spicy stew.
Inevitably, Brordrean has drawn enemies over the years, mostly other merchants vying for the same goods or customers. He tries to avoid conflict when possible, but he won't hesitate to stand up for himself or his friends.
Despite his many travels, Brordrean has remained a bachelor. However, he longs to find a wife and settle down someday. His fear is that he won't find a suitable mate, or worse, that one of his many enemies will disrupt his plans.
Brordrean has a boisterous personality, quick to crack a joke or regale his listeners with a tall tale. He lives by the motto that "the only thing better than gold is the thrill of the chase."
Brordrean's adventures have taken him far and wide, and he has picked up a smattering of languages along the way. His talent for bargaining is unmatched, and his keen eye for rare finds has made him a sought-after trader.
One of Brordrean's most endearing mannerisms is his habit of stroking his beard whenever deep in thought. He believes it helps him think more clearly, but some of his friends tease him for it.