Character portrait
Christopher Nassot
battle mage
31 years old
195 cm (6'5'')
80 kg (176 lbs)
Christopher Nassot, 31 years old
Male human
Archetype: wanderer
Background: battle mage
Height: 195 cm (6'5'')
Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs)

Christopher Nassot is a young man with bright green eyes that seem to sparkle, dark skin, and a head full of fiery red hair that often looks as if it's dancing in the wind. He's a bit of a disturbing character, with a hard edge that comes from years of wandering the land as a battle mage. His super ability to temporarily disable an opponent's abilities is a valuable asset in the world of fantasy, and allows him to hold his own against even the toughest of foes.

Christopher's family origin is shrouded in mystery, and he's never spoken of his family secrets. As a child, he had a close friend who was killed in a tragic accident that left him scarred for life. This childhood trauma drove him to become a battle mage, using his powers to protect those he loves and prevent any further tragedy.

Currently, Christopher travels the world as a mercenary, using his skills to help those in need. His work motive is purely altruistic, believing that his powers can be used to make a difference in the world. Despite being a wanderer, he has a son who lives with his family.

In terms of personality, Christopher is a bit of a loner. He prefers to keep his distance from others, and often comes across as aloof or even arrogant. However, those who take the time to get to know him realize that he's actually quite kind-hearted, albeit with a bit of a rough exterior. His life creed is "always be prepared," and he takes this motto to heart, always keeping his spellbook close at hand.

Although Christopher enjoys the occasional adventure, he lacks a sense of purpose in his life. He wishes to find a cause that he can devote himself to, something that will give him a sense of fulfillment. He's always on the lookout for new challenges, and is eager to test his limits.

Despite his tough exterior, Christopher is a bit of a performer at heart. He enjoys showing off his abilities, and has a flair for the dramatic. He has a tendency to be a bit theatrical with his movements and mannerisms, and loves to put on a good show for those around him.

Christopher's spellbook is his most prized possession. It contains a wealth of knowledge on a variety of spells and incantations, and he's always adding to it. His dream is to one day create new spells of his own, and leave his mark on the world of magic. However, he regrets not being able to spend more time with his son and family, and worries that his nomadic lifestyle is putting him at risk of missing out on the most important moments of their lives.

Perhaps the greatest mystery surrounding Christopher is his disability. Although he's generally a very capable fighter, there are times when he seems to be weakened or incapacitated by an unseen force. He refuses to talk about this disability, even with those closest to him, and keeps it hidden as best he can.

Finally, Christopher's symbol is a fiery phoenix, representing his strong will to rise from the ashes of tragedy and continue fighting for what he believes in. Despite his flaws, he's a true hero at heart, and will stop at nothing to ensure justice is served.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0