Character portrait
3127 years old
245 cm (8'0'')
75 kg (165 lbs)
Tranot, 3127 years old
Male demon
Archetype: mage
Background: preacher
Height: 245 cm (8'0'')
Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs)

Born in the depths of the underworld to an unknown mother and father, he was raised by a group of demons who taught him how to harness his powers. Growing up, Tranot was a curious child with an insatiable desire to learn. His mentor was a powerful demon who taught him how to manipulate the magical energies of the universe. With his mentor's guidance, Tranot learned how to control his powers, using them to bend reality to his will.

As he continued to develop his skills, Tranot began to attract attention from a group of preachers who were looking for a powerful ally in their quest to bring about the end of the world. Intrigued by their cause, Tranot joined forces with the group and began using his powers to advance their agenda.

Despite his demonic nature, Tranot fell in love and married a mortal woman. Together, they had a daughter who inherited some of Tranot's powers. Over time, he developed a life creed based on the belief that the world would be better off without humans.

Tranot's life has been filled with adventure, crime, and mystery. He has tangled with law enforcement, fought for his beliefs, and pursued his dreams of seeing the world destroyed. His story is a complex one, filled with twists and turns that entangle even the most astute reader.

Despite his formidable powers, Tranot has one disability: his horns. While they may look intimidating, they are actually quite delicate and can be easily broken. Additionally, Tranot has struggled with health issues throughout his life, often succumbing to ailments that would be minor for humans.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0