Character portrait
72 years old
139 cm (4'7'')
64 kg (141 lbs)
Oona, 72 years old
Female triton
Archetype: lover
Background: noble
Height: 139 cm (4'7'')
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)

Oona was born to a water elemental mother and a land elemental father. She was a crossbreed, and as a result, she had abilities that were both unique and powerful. Growing up, Oona loved the water, and she spent her time exploring its depths and swimming in its waves. She was always a curious and adventurous girl, and she loved spending time exploring new places.

During her childhood, Oona also orded to learn the ways of the elemental spirits. She found the training challenging, but it also gave her a lot of insight into her own powers and the world around her. As she grew older, Oona decided that she wanted to explore the world even further. She began to travel, and she spent many years exploring different parts of the world.

Oona eventually settled down and decided to get married. She found a man who was equally as adventurous as she was, and they quickly became friends. The two of them were happy together, and they had a son together. Oona was a loving mother, and she enjoyed spending time with her son.

Sadly, things changed when her son became older. Oona's husband began to take on more and more dangerous tasks, and he started to ignore the safety of his family. Oona felt trapped and helpless, and she started to feel like she was losing her own identity. She decided to leave her husband and son behind and start fresh.

Since then, Oona has been traveling the world once again. She has never been happier, and she loves living life to the fullest. Oona is an adventurer at heart, and she loves spending time exploring new places.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0