Elelos was born to a centaur family in the wild, uncivilized area of the equestrian plains. His family was nomadic and his childhood was filled with adventure and exploration.
As he grew older, Elelos began to carve objects out of wood and stone for personal use or for sale. He enjoyed the freedom to roam and explore the surrounding countryside, but he found himself restless and yearned for more.
One day, Elelos journeyed to the city of Castellum and found himself in search of new inspiration and knowledge. He soon discovered the world of art and architecture and began to experiment with different techniques and forms.
One day, while working on a construction project, Elelos made a rock sundial that would later become known as “The Monument of the Sun.” People began to come from all around the kingdom to see his work, and Elelos was finally able to find a true purpose in his life.
He now teaches art and architecture at the city’s foremost academy and continues to create beautiful works of art. Elelos is a kind and compassionate person, and he is known for his generosity and hospitality. He is also a strong advocate for peace and understanding between people of all cultures.
Elelos is married to a beautiful human woman and they have one son. He is still wondering what his next great project will be, but he is content in his life and knows that everything will eventually lead back to his art. Elelos’s life motto is “Everything will eventually lead back to my art.” His amulet is a symbol of his faith and his love for his family.
Like a true centaur, Elelos loves the forest, the steppe, the sun and the wind. He cannot live long in the city. Periodically, he returns to his native places to receive new strength and new inspiration from nature.
Elelos is a creative person. He is not only a sculptor. He paints beautiful landscapes, composes poetry and sets them to music. Often he arranges concerts of his music in local clubs. He has many loyal fans. Elelos is constantly looking for a new creative challenge and successfully fulfills it.