Character portrait
battle mage
33 years old
216 cm (7'1'')
99 kg (218 lbs)
Brag, 33 years old
Male orc
Archetype: sage
Background: battle mage
Height: 216 cm (7'1'')
Weight: 99 kg (218 lbs)

Brag was born to an orc family in the wilds of the Greensward. Like many orc children, he was born with a strong desire to battle, and his skills as a battle mage quickly earned him a place among the elite ranks of his tribe. Even as a young orc, Brag was known for his fiery temper and fierce desire to win, which eventually led him to pursue a career as a battle mage.

Brag's career as a battle mage was successful, and he quickly rose through the ranks of his tribe. He fought in many major battles, and eventually became a renowned warlord. Brag's life was filled with triumphs and victories, until one fateful day.

One day, Brag's tribe was attacked by an army of humanoids known as the Dark Lords. Despite the overwhelming odds, Brag fought valiantly against the humans, but he was eventually defeated. As he lay dying on the ground, Brag saw a vision of a goddess known as the White Lady. The White Lady told Brag that he had been chosen to be a messenger of her, and that he would help lead the orcs against their enemies. Brag was mystified by the vision, but he chose to believe in the White Lady's words. After his death, Brag was reborn as an orc sage, a being with the power to see the future.

Brag currently lives in the city of Rivenspire, where he serves as a battle mage for the city's garrison. He is a reliable ally and a trusted friend to many of Rivenspire's residents, and he remains devoted to the cause of defeating the Dark Lords. Brag's life is now dedicated to helping his fellow orcs achieve victory, and he remains true to his life credo: Always fight with all you have, and never give up.

Уoung orc has many best friends in Rivenspire, but his best friend is likely Tarrin, a young half-elf who was also born in Rivenspire. Tarrin and Brag share a strong bond based on their common origin and shared interests in magic and adventure. They have fought side by side in many battles, and they are always there for each other when things get tough. Tarrin is also Brag's Knight-Errant, or protector, and he remains there to keep Brag safe from harm.

Brag is not married, but he has been attracted to many women over the years. He is single-minded in his pursuit of victory, and he does not believe that marriage is necessary for a happy life. Brag is confident and self-assured, and he is not likely to settle down anytime soon. He believes that finding the right woman and marrying her is a matter of timing, and he is content to wait for the right woman to come into his life.

Brag's life motto is "Always fight with all you have, and never give up." This is the principle that guide him in all aspects of his life, from his career as a battle mage to his personal relationships. Brag is a determined and fearless individual, and he is never afraid to take on any challenge. He believes in the value of hard work and dedication, and he is always willing to put in the extra effort to reach his goals. Brag is a true hero, and he is always willing to stand up for what is right.

Brag wears an amulet known as the Hourglass of the White Lady. This amulet is said to be blessed by the White Lady herself, and it is said to contain her powerful magic. Brag uses the amulet to see the future, and he relies on its power to help him navigate the treacherous waters of the world. Brag's life-defining event was his battle against the Dark Lords. The experience marked the beginning.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0