Character portrait
Babrin Daring
4231 years old
167 cm (5'6'')
90 kg (198 lbs)
Babrin Daring, 4231 years old
Male jinn
Archetype: druid
Background: sailor
Height: 167 cm (5'6'')
Weight: 90 kg (198 lbs)

Babrin Daring is not your ordinary genie. As a water elemental and a druid, he stands out amongst his kin for his unique abilities and his unyielding compassion for all living beings. Born and raised in the heart of the vast oceans, his childhood memories are akin to a mesmerizing symphony of waves and the playful melodies of the deep sea creatures.

From a young age, Babrin's affinity for the water was evident. He possessed an innate connection to the ever-changing tides and currents, effortlessly flowing through the vast expanse of the ocean. With each dive, he discovered the beauty and intricacies of the underwater realm, building an intimate relationship with its inhabitants.

As he reached his youth, Babrin's talents as a sailor began to flourish. He traversed the seas, guiding ships to safety with his gifted navigational skills and navigating treacherous waters with ease. His jovial and good-natured spirit earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow sailors, and he was always eager to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Driven by his desire to protect and preserve the natural world, Babrin chose the path of a druid, dedicating himself to safeguarding the fragile balance between land and sea. He developed an uncanny ability to channel the power of the elements, often blending with the ocean itself to bend it to his will.

Although Babrin has many acquaintances, his best friend and constant companion is a wise and ancient sea turtle named Oshen. Together, they share a strong bond, Oshen acting as Babrin's guide and mentor, passing on sagely wisdom that has been accumulated over centuries.

As a druid, Babrin's life credo is based on the belief that all life forms are interconnected, and he feels a profound duty to protect and nurture the delicate relationship between humans and nature. He strives to advocate for harmony and respect between both worlds

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0