Born into an elven court, Edea Yelmaer was the epitome of beauty even as a young elf. Her long ears and graceful appearance were the envy of many. From the beginning, it was clear that Edea had a heart of gold, a romantic nature that guided her decisions in life.
Currently, Edea is a courtier to her queen, using her natural charm and intelligence to advise the royal ruler. Although her position may seem like a glamorous role, Edea's true motivation is simply to bring joy to those around her. She openly professes that love is the most important force in life, always quick to offer a word of comfort or guidance to those in need.
Within the court, Edea's closest ally is the queen herself. The two of them are inseparable, using their combined charm to sway the minds of the elven council. Edea's son, a prince in his own right, is her greatest treasure. She hopes to teach her son the importance of love and compassion, values that have guided her own life.
Like all beings, Edea is not without her flaws. She can be easily swayed by love, leading to moments of recklessness that have cost her in the past. However, her natural talent for persuasion and her magnetic personality have always managed to save the day. She is a powerful figure in her own right, respected by those around her.
Edea yearns for a world filled with romance and adventure. This desire often leads her to adventure across the world with her friend, a mermaid princess. Together, they delve into ruins of lost civilizations, looking for artifacts to bring back to their courts.
Although she speaks of romance and adventure, there are still things in life that trouble Edea. Her famous quote, "To truly love someone is to put their needs above your own," speaks to the inner turmoil of balancing her wants with the needs of those around her. This has led to moments of regret, where she realizes too late that her own feelings have caused problems.
In her free time, Edea returns to her favorite place, a glade of sparkling waterfalls and lush, floral gardens. It's a place where the weight of the world can slip away, where she can lose herself in the beauty and wonder of the natural world.
Edea's life is marked by curses and blessings in equal measure. Her natural beauty has brought her great admiration but has also made her a target for those who seek to harm her. Nevertheless, she continues to guide herself with her life credo, using her talent for persuasion to create a world of love and compassion.