Character portrait
Kowedeth Graysunder
109 years old
83 cm (2'9'')
23 kg (51 lbs)
Kowedeth Graysunder, 109 years old
Female gnome
Archetype: warrior
Background: berserker
Height: 83 cm (2'9'')
Weight: 23 kg (51 lbs)

Kowedeth Graysunder was born in the heart of the Iron Mountains, where her ancestors had lived for generations. She is the descendent of a famous berserker who fought in one of the great dwarf wars many years ago. Although her family was known for their skill in battle, they were also renowned for their love of mining and crafting, and Kowedeth grew up learning both skills.

As a child, Kowedeth learned to use axes and hammers just as easily as she learned to wield a pickaxe. Her natural fighting instincts were honed from a young age, and she quickly rose through the ranks of her family's clan as a skilled warrior. However, Kowedeth was not content to simply be a fighter. She also had a love of learning, and she spent many long hours studying the histories and legends of her people.

As Kowedeth grew older, she began to seek out new challenges beyond the mountains. She traveled far and wide, fighting in battles and exploring new territories. Along the way, she met many enemies and developed a fierce reputation as a warrior not to be underestimated.

Despite her many accomplishments, Kowedeth was not one to rest on her laurels. She continued to push herself to new heights, taking on greater challenges and seeking out new adventures. Today, Kowedeth continues to travel and fight, always looking for the next great challenge to conquer.

Kowedeth is a fearsome warrior with a strong personality. She is fiercely independent, and she doesn't tolerate any nonsense from those around her. However, those who know her well know that she has a kind heart and a great sense of humor. Her life credo is "Never give up, never give in," and she lives by that motto in everything she does.

Kowedeth's political views are simple: she trusts only herself and her own abilities. She doesn't concern herself with the politics of others, preferring instead to focus on her own goals and ambitions.

One of the defining moments of Kowedeth's life came when she faced off against a fearsome dragon in a remote mountain pass. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, Kowedeth fought with courage and cunning, finally managing to take down the beast after a grueling battle that lasted several days.

Kowedeth's achievements are many, including slaying several dragons, leading successful campaigns against orcish warbands, and helping to forge peace between warring factions. However, her greatest flaw is a tendency to be too stubborn and prideful at times, which has gotten her into trouble in the past.

Kowedeth has a mannerism of tapping her foot impatiently when she is waiting for something or someone. Her dream is to one day retire to a small cabin in the heart of the mountains and spend her days crafting and tending to her garden.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0