Domas Tyarkyango was born to a noble family in a small kingdom Tualon. He was the eldest of three children and had a happy childhood, spending most of his time playing with his friends or exploring the kingdom. His parents were very supportive and always encouraged him to do what he loved.
When Domas was 10, his family was attacked by a rival kingdom. His parents were killed and he was taken prisoner. He spent years working in the slave pens of the kingdom, but eventually escaped and made his way to a different kingdom. There, he started to learn how to fight and became a skilled warrior. He spent the next few years traveling the land, helping people and fulfilling his dream of becoming a great hero.
One day, he met a mentor Investigator of the Royal Criminal Police, who taught him how to use his skills for the good of others, rather than for his own gain. After years of training, Domas became decided to settle down investigator and find a place where he could help people.
Since then, he has solved many crimes and gained fame as a real detective.
Domas is a tall, stout man with red hair and a gray beard. He wears bright expensive clothes and loves gold jewelry. He likes women. Over the years, he had many mistresses. But none touched his heart. Therefore, he is not yet married.
Domas Tyarkyango has a flaw that is the source of much of his anger – he is very impatient. This can sometimes get him into trouble, but it also makes him a very determined and courageous person. His talent is his fighting skills, which he uses to protect the innocent. Domas's symbol is a blade that he uses to fight for justice.