Randy is born into a family of scholars; books forming bricks of his home and dialogues of philosophers his lullaby. Yet, he finds solace not within the predictable pages of parchment but in the murmuring winds and the cryptic song of the distant lands. Having rejected the traditional scholarly path, his energies divert towards the pursuit of a different education - that of the vast world.
His childhood mentor is an enigmatic woman known as Gwendolyn – one heralded as the Last Wanderer. She reveals to the receptive young Randy both the secrets of the elders and the clandestine language of the universe, nurturing his natural inclination towards exploration and fostering a burning spirit of rebellion against the mundane.
Further development finds Randy absorbing the teachings of Gwendolyn and journeying to distant lands - vibrant tropics, desolate deserts, and snow-laden peaks. His profound curiosity and relentless thirst for discovery are his dearest companions as he casts his well-worn traveler’s hat and steps into the naked wilderness.
His current occupation is a curious one. He serves as a Chartmaker in the critically acclaimed Cartographer’s Guild of Mediolanum. His intimate knowledge of geography and celestial navigation, incited by his wanderlust, allows him to create the most intricate and accurate maps - not only landmarks but the very heartbeat of the places.
His best friend is none other than his trustworthy steed, Cleo— a fierce yet gentle mare who has been his partner in countless adventures. Their bond is unexplainable—powerful. Cleo understands Randy's silence and marches loyally beside his multitude of emotions. This peculiar friendship embodies the spirit of true companionship.
However, not everything is in Randy's favor. He's dogged by the relentless Mayor of Mediolanum, Diaz— who despises the rebellion and represents everything Randy stands against. Their rivalry is as old as Randy's love for exploration—an enmity born out of contrarian ideals and fuelled by unending confrontation.
Randy's love life is as dynamic as his adventurous spirit. He finds his heart aligning with the shifting winds of the North. To him, romance is the voyage to connect with different souls - an ardent endeavor for heartfelt understanding which transcudes constraints and conventions.
The key event that transforms Randy's life is his venture into the forbidden depths of Kraken forest. This fateful journey claims his left eye yet blesses him with an extraordinary ability. Randy now possesses the Mystic Sight—an ability to foresee certain future events.
Despite living a life full of adventures, Randy harbors a profound regret within his heart—leaving Gwendolyn, who's health was rapidly deteriorating during his critical excursion towards Kraken forest. Despite her explicit instruction for him to carry on, he cannot shake off the shroud of remorse that has since draped his heart.
His dream is to map the entire world, charting the uncharted and illuminating the concealed. A daunting task, maybe impossible, but Randy is a man who thrives in challenges. However, it is his habit of losing himself in thought, often resulting in him tripping over physical objects in his path that offers a hint of humor to his intense persona.