Java is a young feline Battle Mag of the Cat People race. He was chosen by fate to be the protector and savior of his kingdom, a task he takes very seriously. Raised in the heart of a dense forest with his three siblings, he was the runt of the pack, but also the most determined.
His family was part of a strict hierarchy, with his father being the dominant leader. Java's mother was a fierce warrior in her younger days, but now she is mostly preoccupied with keeping the family functioning properly. In this community, honor and loyalty are highly valued, and the role of each member is determined at birth.
As a kitten, Java's childhood was uneventful, playing with his siblings and learning the ways of the Cat People. However, when he reached adolescent age, he started to feel different from his kin. While most of his siblings were content with leading uneventful lives, Java had a thirst for adventure, and more than anything, he longed to be chosen for something greater.
That opportunity presented itself when Java went on a hunting trip with his father. They were ambushed by a group of rogue creatures, and Java was the only one to survive by unleashing an uncontrollable magical force that wiped out the attackers. That event marked him as the Chosen One, destined to fulfill a great prophecy.
From that day on, Java began to hone his magical skills, and to develop his warrior abilities. He made it his goal to become the greatest Battle Mag the Cat People had ever known, and to live up to the expectations placed upon him.
Now, Java is a respected protector of the kingdom, who has saved it from countless dangers. He married his childhood love, Javina, and together they have a daughter, Jaggy. Java's greatest fear is failing in his duties, and he lives by the motto that "with great power comes great responsibility".
Java is known as "Watchful Eye" among his community, due to always having a concentrated stare. He also has a quirk of collecting small trinkets such as shells, rocks, and other baubles that he finds interesting. His dream is to experience the world beyond the kingdom, and to learn from other cultures. Secretly, he wishes he could take a day off and just enjoy life without the burdens of his responsibilities.
Java has a disability in his left paw which he was born with, and he still struggles with it when using his magic, but he has learned to adapt and work around it. His favorite joke is one about a mouse who walked into a bar and asked for a bowl of milk.