Character portrait
Manleth Keazorwyn
36 years old
172 cm (5'8'')
46 kg (101 lbs)
Manleth Keazorwyn, 36 years old
Female half-elf
Archetype: creator
Background: inheritor
Height: 172 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)

Manleth Keazorwyn was born to a wizard family on the eastern edge of the Tahilon Empire. She was the youngest of four siblings, and her parents were always encouraging her to explore her abilities. As she grew older, Manleth realized her true potential as a mage and started to learn more advanced spells. She also began to study crafting and began creating her own magical objects.

As Manleth grew older, she started to meet other mages and intellectuals. Together, they discussed the challenges facing the empire and how they could be overcome. Manleth also began to develop a strong sense of justice and began fighting against the injustices she saw in the world.

Eventually, Manleth met a young man named Jarek. They quickly fell in love and decided to get married. However, Jarek was drafted into the military and left Manleth behind. Devastated, she decided to travel the world searching for him. She eventually discovered he was serving in the kingdom of Arteia and decided to join him.

Since joining Arteia, Manleth has worked hard to make a difference in the kingdom. She has also continued her studies and has become a powerful mage. She is also now a mother to a young son.

Manleth's life has been filled with challenges and excitement. She is a driven and determined individual who always looks to live life to the fullest. Her life-defining event was when she became a mother, and she has always loved quoting famous quotes. Her dream is to see her son grow up to be a great magus like her.

Manleth is an amazing person who is always ready to help out others. She is a loyal friend and always puts her friends first. Her enemy is anyone who tries to hurt innocent people, and she is always ready to fight against them.

Most importantly, Manleth is a warm and loving person. She is always happy to see her friends and family, and she enjoys spending time dreaming. She is also a huge fan of humor, and she enjoys making people laugh.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0