Character portrait
Nui Sia
34 years old
171 cm (5'7'')
58 kg (128 lbs)
Nui Sia, 34 years old
Female human
Archetype: druid
Background: ruler
Height: 171 cm (5'7'')
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)

Nui Sia was born in a large family in the city of Nerai. Her parents were traders, and Nui always enjoyed exploring the city when she was young. She was always quite smart and was able to understand complex matters quite easily.

Her family had a decent amount of money, which allowed them to provide Nui with a good upbringing. Her childhood was filled with laughter and happiness.

When she was young, Nui had an interest in the magical world. She would reading ancient tomes. One day, she found herself in the company of a group of powerful druids. The druids taught her about the magical world, and Nui quickly became one of their most successfull disciples.

Gradually, she developed the ability to see magic hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. Our heroine has learned to see hidden magical objects through other objects, to see spells or their components.

As Nui grew older, she began to travel the world. She encountered many powerful beings, and she learned a great deal about magical power.

Nui eventually married a man who was also a druid. Together, they had two children. However, the marriage was not a happy one. Nui found her husband to be cold and emotionless, and she often felt neglected by him.

Today, Nui lives a solitary life. She spends her time exploring the magical world and helping others to understand the magical forces. She believes that all people should have access to magic, and she will do anything to make this happen.

Nui's favorite weapon is a staff made out of wood and vines. She believes that it is the most powerful weapon in the magical world.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0