Okxugo was born into a family of spies, his family secretive and elusive. He was taught from a young age the ways of deception and intrigue, and grew up bearing the burden of his family's reputation. Despite his appetite for cunning and guile, Okxugo always felt drawn towards something more substantial in life, something tangible that he could control.
As a teenager, Okxugo renounced his family's covert skirmishes and left home behind in search of a more meaningful calling. He roamed the world for decades, trading wares and amassing small fortunes along the way until he settled down to become an intrepid merchant.
Now, at the ripe age of forty-three and blessed with unparalleled skill at haggling, Okxugo has mastered the art of the deal. Every beckon and gesture he makes, every coin he jingles, and every product he provides are always in the most honest fashion, free of his family's clandestine tendencies.
Though he's always lived as a solitary entity, he values his trade partnerships and guild-membership- never crosslng their slightest expectation in trustworthiness. He insists words still have meaning and what one says he shall adhere to them.
In his heart, deep down, Okxugo craves for a material security and somewhere to call "home". He longs for female lithe guidance, craves for someone who can accept his scheming behavior in a mutual affection.
Unlike others of his race, Okxugo indulges in extensive skincare routines, stroking cream on his body and indulging in long luxurious soaks to obtain flawless integrity - paid via slightly higher prices in his dealings.
In terms of disability, one of Okxugo's afflictions is his inability to perceive colors as clearly as others of his reptilian ilk-blue and green palettes often blurring together unluck unlikeability.
Despite his shortcomings, Okxugo charges into the future, leveraging his natural cunning to create lasting impressions of those calculatedly calculated behind him- leaving patrons feeling pleased on every occasion.