Character portrait
71 years old
173 cm (5'8'')
70 kg (154 lbs)
Alreth, 71 years old
Male human
Archetype: villain
Background: hermit
Height: 173 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)

In the isolated reaches of the Whispering Woods, where few dare to tread, a dark figure known as Alreth dwells. A male human now in his late years, his once-handsome features now marred by intricate tattoos. These markings speak to his dedication to the wicked arts, as well as the terrible path he has chosen to tread.

Born into a quiet, humble family with a penchant for keeping to themselves, Alreth was lovingly raised amidst the whispers of the Wood. Early on, he exhibited a natural affinity for magic, taking after the generations of practitioners who traced their lineage back to the days of forgotten mysticism. Fleetingly, it seemed that Alreth could rise above the hermit-like existence of his forebears, sharing his gifts with the wider world. However, whispers from the shadows enticed him, and his thirst for knowledge would become his curse and his salvation.

Over the years, as his powers matured, so did his desire for more forbidden forms of magic. Dark whispers echoed through his long ears, guiding his path to the darker arts of sorcery. It wasn't long before his horrific experiments with human flesh gained him infamy - and the title of Dark Mage. Claiming the virtue of the unsuspecting, he left a trail of despair in his wake.

Alreth's occupation continues to be a fusion of magic and malice, his sinister work motives fueled by the insatiable hunger for power and control. Words carry weight, however, and rumors of alliances shift through the quiet, fearful murmurs of the Whispering Woods. Sworn enemies have bowed their heads on occasion, and unexpected alliances have formed. These twisted relationships have, in turn, deepened the intrigue surrounding Alreth's own intentions.

At the core of his villainous nature lies a fear, one that gnaws at the edges of his sanity. A dread that he will somehow lose his power, fading into the darkness, forgotten and abandoned. This haunting, inescapable concern drives his thirst for power, tainting all his dealings with the merciless shadow of his ambition.

The quirks of Alreth's personality echo through the corridors of his morbid dwelling, as if to illuminate the twisted individual that he has become. An obsession for the finer things in life lines the borders of madness - the glimmer of gold or the tender texture of fine silk, each a tantalizing distraction from the constant fear that consumes him.

"Fear not the shadows, for they hold my indomitable will," becomes the figurehead of Alreth's existence. As a chilling credo, this famous quote encapsulates the essence of the horned Mage that haunts the hearts of all who cross his path.

Chained to Alreth's eternal doom are the souls of those unfortunate to have become his slaves. The cries that emerge from their torment join the whispering chorus of the Woods, an augury of the darkness that lies in the heart of their once-human master.

Finding himself adrift on a sea of shadows, Alreth pursues his dark course, pursued by the tumultuous echoes of his past. Though he stands as a villain and a danger to those around him, he remains tormented by his own nightmares, his wicked path inextricable from the farthest reaches of the Whispering Woods.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0