Character portrait
Urinore Murilonli
749 years old
193 cm (6'4'')
52 kg (115 lbs)
Urinore Murilonli, 749 years old
Male elf
Archetype: villain
Background: slaver
Height: 193 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 52 kg (115 lbs)

Gnarled and gaunt, Urinore Murilonli cuts an unsettling figure even among his own elven kind. His spindly, almost skeletal frame seems improperly stretched over his towering 6'4" height. Urinore's baldpate and sickly pale blue skin only accentuate his eerie, sunken eyes that burn with a feverish intensity.

Those piercing eyes have witnessed nearly eight centuries of carnage and suffering. Urinore hails from the insular Meradhir clan, who dwell in the lightless caves and subterranean rivers of the Underprole region. In that harsh, subterranean existance, the drive for survival and dominance over others is paramount.

Even from a tender age, Urinore displayed a pathological disregard for life and sadistic delight in inflicting torment. His excessive cruelty ultimately led to his expulsion from Meradhir society at the age of 90 – a rare occurrence for their people. An outcast, the vindictive elf swore ruinous vengeance upon those who exiled him.

Over the next few hundred years, Urinore wandered the foreboding Southern Wildlands, ingratiating himself with the most vicious bandit clans, troll ravagers and underground slave-trading rings. His preternatural guile, ruthlessness and skill at interrogation proved invaluable...and lucrative. Urinore concocted an exhaustive network of informants and safeholds across the perilous realm.

In time, mere banditry and blackmarketry no longer slaked Urinore's greed and bloodlust. The twisted renegade built his own cadre of enforcers, hijacking caravans and razing isolated villages to capture anyone they could enslave. Urinore's pitiless procurers use every horrific means of breaking their quarry to produce utterly compliant slaves for auction.

From his mobile palace-tent headquarters, Urinore meticulously oversees every step of his trafficking operation. With his lank white hair, sunken cheeks and toothy underbite, his very appearance instills mind-numbing dread in his slaves. Those who defy him are subjected to cruel punishments that see them wish for death long before it mercifully arrives.

The most prized or defiant captives are reserved for Urinore's personal attentions in his mobile torture chambers. There, he lashes and flenses his victims with sadistic glee, deriving intense gratification from their anguished screams and emotional ruination. Only once his playthings are lobotomized, vacant-eyed husks does he finally sell them to the highest bidder.

For nearly 700 years, Urinore's depraved activities have largely gone undetected, thanks to his secrecy and reach across the criminal underworld. Any who cross his path and could potentially expose him are swiftly captured or silenced.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0