Character portrait
Aelianus Lagrange
23 years old
170 cm (5'7'')
52 kg (115 lbs)
Aelianus Lagrange, 23 years old
Male human
Archetype: lover
Background: noble
Height: 170 cm (5'7'')
Weight: 52 kg (115 lbs)

Aelianus Lagrange's journey begins in the mystical realm of Sesterra, a land blessed with divinity and governed by the intricate balance of elemental forces. As the firstborn child of Duke Valerius and Duchess Ceridwen, Aelianus inherits a lineage defined by both valor and infamy. His great-great-grandfather, Sir Caspian the Torchbearer, ignites the spark that sustains Aelianus' lifeblood. Sir Caspian's legendary tales, woven into the fabric of Sesterra's turbulent past, teem with sinister betrayals and pyrrhic triumphs. However, this noble history burns alongside a darker secret veiled and entrenched within the ancestral walls of House Lagrange.

Despite the vibrant tales echoing through the marble hallways, whispers of a concealed immorality taint the Lagrange's family name. The secret lies in a fabled underground chamber, known only to the family's bloodline, housing an ethereal and sentient flame. As Aelianus matures, this clandestine legacy begins to unfurl, leaving a trail of smoldering revelations in its wake.

During Aelianus' early years, he is nurtured and refined, receiving an education befitting a young nobleman. His studies span the histories of sprawling empires, courtly intrigue, and chivalric customs, all carefully curated to inform his own legacy. However, it is here that Aelianus' natural affinity for fire emerges. A happening that stirs both awe and alarm among his tutors and family.

In the years following, as Aelianus flourishes from a youth into an imposing figure befitting the stature of his forefathers, he discovers and hones his unique talent. His mastery over fire resonates not merely as sorcery but as an innate transcendence between mortal and elemental. Aelianus soon earns the moniker "Igneus" bestowed upon him by those who bear witness to his blazing abilities.

Guided by his newfound powers and whispers of the family's storied past, Aelianus finds himself drawn to the political underbelly of Sesterra. It is there that he detects the tremors of unrest echoing throughout the realm. Aligning himself with advocacy for elemental harmony, Aelianus crafts a bold identity as both lover and combatant – striving to preserve the delicate balance of supernatural dominion. The flame that once illuminated his forefather's misdeeds now emanates from Aelianus as a beacon of justice in a world where shadows conspire and lurk.

Yet Aelianus' path is not devoid of forlorn missteps. In pursuit of political allies and resources, a fateful entanglement with a beguiling and enigmatic sorceress named Acantha tempts him toward infamy. Within their tangled history, Aelianus and Acantha's allegiances flicker and smolder, yielding an intricate dance of power that simmers beneath the surface of the realm.

Despite the brilliance of Aelianus' life, there remains a gnawing whisper in the abyss. A lurking phobia, flitting at the edge of his consciousness and threatening to exhume the buried remnants of House Lagrange's darkest hour. It is a fear born from a hidden deed, unspoken and thrust away from the scrutiny of even the most powerful illumination. The intimate knowledge of this act clings to Aelianus, a grim specter that haunts his every thought and douses the fire even within his own heart.

Aelianus Lagrange, the Igneus, illumines the world around him with a fierce and unyielding intensity. As his flame expands, it reveals the intricate contours of a life dedicated to safeguarding an elemental equilibrium. Simultaneously, it casts shadows of regret, a byproduct of ancient sins and lingering phantasms that undoubtedly hold the key to the untapped depths of his extraordinary abilities. One can only wonder what future lies ahead for Aelianus, as every extinguished ember births a fresh flame adorned with the astonishing beauty of his passion.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0