Character portrait
Virtaf Poret
46 years old
181 cm (5'11'')
84 kg (185 lbs)
Virtaf Poret, 46 years old
Male human
Archetype: mentor
Background: paladin
Height: 181 cm (5'11'')
Weight: 84 kg (185 lbs)

Virtaf Poret is a man with a complicated past that has shaped him into the person he is today. He was born into a family of magicians, and from a very young age, he knew that he wanted to follow in their footsteps. However, his family had secrets that would eventually lead to his downfall.

As a child, Virtaf was a curious and adventurous boy, always seeking out new knowledge and experiences. He quickly became enamored with the magical arts and began studying under his family's tutelage. However, this education was cut short when his family's sins were revealed to the public. Virtaf's father was accused of using dark magic for personal gain and was executed for his crimes.

The trauma of his father's death left Virtaf scarred both physically and emotionally. He developed a deep-seated fear of using dark magic and vowed to use his powers only for good. He dedicated himself to becoming a paladin, using his magical abilities to protect and serve others.

Virtaf is now a respected teacher of magic, passing on his knowledge to a new generation of students. His work motive is to ensure that no one else makes the same mistakes as his family did, and to guide his students towards a life of responsibility and morality.

Virtaf's best friend is a fellow paladin named Landric. They share a bond forged through years of fighting side-by-side and protecting each other in battle.

Despite his scars and trauma, Virtaf fell in love and got married to a fellow magician named Liandra. They have a strong relationship built on trust and mutual respect.

Virtaf's life creed is simple: do good and protect the innocent. He believes that every individual has the power to make a positive impact on the world, and he strives to inspire others to do so.

Politically, Virtaf is neutral, preferring to focus on the needs of those around him rather than aligning himself with a particular group or ideology.

A fateful event occurred in Virtaf's life when he was forced to confront his fear of using dark magic to protect his loved ones. In a battle against a powerful necromancer, Virtaf was pushed to his limits and had to use all of his strength to defeat the enemy. Though he was successful, he remains haunted by the memory of the power that he had wielded.

Virtaf's disadvantage is his tendency to put others before himself at all times, often neglecting his own needs and well-being.

His greatest desire is to create a world in which everyone is treated fairly and justly, and where magic is used for the betterment of all.

Virtaf's favorite weapon is a staff imbued with magic that he created himself. It is a symbol of his power and his commitment to serving others.

He has a habit of humming to himself when deep in thought, and his favorite joke is a silly one about a wizard who lost his hat.

The symbol that best represents Virtaf is a shield, reflecting his role as a paladin and his steadfast commitment to protection and defense.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0