Character portrait
Tekada Siege
29 years old
173 cm (5'8'')
59 kg (130 lbs)
Tekada Siege, 29 years old
Female human
Archetype: mage
Background: necromancer
Height: 173 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs)

Tekada Siege is a young girl who was born into a family of magicians. She grew up in a world of magic where everyone she knew had some powers. Her parents were both powerful magicians, so it was no surprise when Tekada showed early signs of possessing magic herself.

From an early age, Tekada had an interest in learning the practice of necromancy, the art of raising the dead. She was fascinated by the power to summon and control the spirits. Her parents, aware of the dark path that necromancy could lead, tried to dissuade her, but Tekada persisted.

She started tattooing her body with powerful symbols of magic, and soon her body was covered in intricate designs. Her parents sent her to a prestigious school of magic, where she excelled in all of her studies.

Currently, Tekada is a well-respected magician, known for her powerful necromancy skills. Her best friend is a fellow magician named Elise, who shares her love of magic.

Despite her success, Tekada has a deep fear of losing control over her powers. She knows that necromancy can be dangerous, and she worries that one day she will go too far and lose herself to the dark forces of the spirits.

People often call her by her title, the "Necromancer," or simply "Tekada." Her favorite weapon is a staff made of oak, which she uses to channel her powers.

Tekada dreams of one day mastering the art of necromancy to its fullest extent, becoming the greatest necromancer that ever lived. However, her history is a tangled web of lies and darkness.

Under the influence of the dark forces she summons, her appearance changes. Her eyes become wild and unfocused, and dark circles form under them. Her veins become swollen, and her skin takes on a sickly hue. Despite this disability, she remains an exceptionally powerful magician.

The symbol of Tekada is a skull, a representation of the death she has learned to control. She uses it to channel her powers and summon the spirits of the dead.

Tekada Siege may be feared by some and revered by others, but there is no denying her power and skill. She is a living legend in the world of magic, a young girl whose abilities have bloomed into something truly extraordinary.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0