Character portrait
bounty hunter
2676 years old
195 cm (6'5'')
89 kg (196 lbs)
Argroneth, 2676 years old
Female demon
Archetype: cleric
Background: bounty hunter
Height: 195 cm (6'5'')
Weight: 89 kg (196 lbs)

Argronet, a young woman with a distinct air of otherworldliness, bears an appearance that intrigues and terrifies in equal measure. With her lustrous blond hair and delicate features, she possesses the potential to be considered a beauty, but it is her gray skin, a stark contrast to her fair locks, that hints at a dark origin. The most striking aspect of her appearance, however, lies atop her head: a pair of long, sinewy horns that curl upwards, commanding attention. But it is her fierce, evil reddish eyes that truly strike fear into the hearts of those unfortunate enough to cross her path.

Born into a lineage of bounty hunters, Argronet's early years were imbued with a sense of adventure. Raised within a world where evil lurked at every corner, she learned to harness her natural abilities from a young age. As an accomplished hypnotist, Argronet possessed the power to manipulate minds and sow the seeds of fear and discord. It was this sinister gift that ultimately propelled her down an unexpected path.

In her pursuit of her true purpose, Argronet encountered a clergyman named Lucius, who became her closest confidant. Despite their glaring differences, the duo formed an unbreakable bond, drawn together by their shared desire to protect the innocent from the malevolence that plagued their world. Lucius, a beacon of unwavering faith and righteousness, slowly began to chip away at the darkness that consumed Argronet's soul.

Residing within the shadows, a powerful enemy known as Malachai sought to eliminate Argronet and exploit her formidable powers for his own nefarious purposes. Malachai, rumored to be a fallen angel obsessed with power, represented the antithesis of everything Argronet and Lucius stood for.

Argronet's family relationships were filled with turmoil and mystery. Descended from a long line of demon hunters and protectors, she struggled to reconcile her demonic origins with her inherent capacity for good. Her familial ties were strained, leaving her feeling disconnected from the very people who should have provided guidance and support.

While her outward appearance hinted at malevolence, Argronet's true nature was far more complex. Beneath her daunting exterior lay a conflicted soul, torn between her demonic heritage and her desire to embrace the virtues of light and humanity. Her favorite food, a simple taste that contrasted with her enigmatic existence, was freshly baked bread, a comfort she sought in the midst of chaos.

Argronet's life credo resonated with the principles she had come to cherish: to protect the weak, to fight for justice, and to find redemption in the face of her own inherent darkness. Each step she took was a deliberate act of defiance against the fate that seemed predetermined for her.

Adventures beckoned Argronet as she traversed the realms, encountering enigmatic beings and facing unimaginable dangers. Along her journey, she garnered a plethora of nicknames and titles, each bestowed upon her by those who marveled at her prowess and feared her power.

Yet, for all her formidable abilities, Argronet carried a disadvantage that plagued her at every turn: the eternal struggle to resist succumbing to her demonic instincts and the constant battle to gain acceptance in a world that judged her solely on her appearance.

Mannerisms became her silent language, her way of conveying emotions when words fell short. A subtle tilt of her head or a flicker of her fiery gaze held the weight of a thousand unspoken truths, leaving those who beheld her in awe and trepidation.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0