Character portrait
Arnold Trumpetsound
40 years old
178 cm (5'10'')
83 kg (183 lbs)
Arnold Trumpetsound, 40 years old
Male human
Archetype: sage
Background: entertainer
Height: 178 cm (5'10'')
Weight: 83 kg (183 lbs)

Arnold Trumpetsound was born in a small village nestled in the mountains. His parents were traveling performers who played music and put on shows for the locals. They instilled in him a love of the arts and the belief that laughter is the best medicine. Arnold grew up traveling with his family and learning various musical instruments, including the trumpet which he would become famous for.

As a young man, Arnold became a popular entertainer, known for his humorous stories and catchy tunes. However, he soon grew tired of the superficiality of the entertainment world and sought something deeper. He began to study philosophy and theology, eventually becoming known as a sage, dispensing wisdom to those around him.

Arnold's current occupation is that of a wandering sage, traveling through different kingdoms and offering advice to rulers and ordinary citizens alike. He has made many allies in his travels, often mediating conflicts and brokering peace between warring factions. His best friend is a fellow wandering sage named Delilah, and they often cross paths on their travels.

Arnold has no known enemies but has helped many people who were once his opponents. He has never been married but has a daughter from a brief relationship. He is a man of high moral standards and believes in the power of compassion and forgiveness. His spiritual beliefs are deeply ingrained in his being, and he often speaks of the oneness of all things.

Arnold's political views are moderate, and he believes in democracy and equal rights for all. He is not afraid to speak his mind and has often risked his life to defend his values. He has had many adventures in his life, including fighting against a dragon and rescuing a princess from a wicked sorcerer.

Arnold has won several awards for his musical abilities and has been given the nickname "The Trumpet King." However, he sees himself as much more than just a musician, and his title as a sage is much more important to him.

Arnold's flaw is that he can be too trusting at times, which has led him to be betrayed in the past. He favors the use of a staff in combat and is not afraid to defend himself if necessary.

One of Arnold's most famous quotes is, "Music is the language of the soul, and laughter is its voice." His only regret is that he did not see eye to eye with his daughter, who has since gone her own way. He has a secret fear of ending up alone, without anyone to pass along his wisdom to.

Arnold's symbol is a trumpet, which he keeps with him at all times. He loves to play impromptu concerts for those he meets on his travels, and his music has the power to bring people together in a way that nothing else can.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0