Character portrait
48 years old
194 cm (6'4'')
86 kg (190 lbs)
Totonot, 48 years old
Male orc
Archetype: warrior
Background: mercenary
Height: 194 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 86 kg (190 lbs)

Totonot is hailing from a clan of vicious orcs known for their blood-thirsty raids and their unquenchable hunger for power. Despite his youth, Totonot has risen through the ranks quickly, earning a reputation as a fierce and cunning fighter on the battlefield.

Totonot is unmarried and has no current romantic interests. He sees love as a weakness, and is instead fiercely dedicated to his role as a mercenary.

Growing up, Totonot was always an outsider in his clan. Though he possessed the same fierce strength and predatory instincts as his peers, he was born with a pair of pointed ears that marked him as different. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Totonot was determined to prove himself a worthy warrior, and trained harder than anyone else in his clan.

As a mercenary, Totonot is always on the move, accepting contracts from anyone willing to pay. He has fought in countless battles and has gained a fearsome reputation among those who know of him. He never hesitates to use whatever means necessary to achieve victory, whether that means relying on brute force or using his formidable intellect to outmaneuver his enemies.

Totonot doesn't care about politics, religion, or ideology. To him, fighting is simply a means to an end - the end being gold, glory, and the satisfaction of knowing that he is the strongest warrior around. He has no loyalty to any cause except his own, and will switch sides in a heartbeat if the price is right.

Though he has no current romantic interests, Totonot is not entirely immune to the charms of the opposite sex. However, he sees relationships as a distraction from his true passion - combat. He has little patience for any woman who can't keep up with him in battle, and has been known to dismiss potential lovers who don't meet his exacting standards.

Totonot has several siblings, all of whom are also warriors in their own right. However, he has always felt somewhat distant from them, and his pointed ears have made him feel like an outsider within his own family.

Totonot is afraid of losing his edge in combat. He knows that there will always be someone stronger, faster, or more skilled than him out there, and the mere thought of someone besting him in battle terrifies him. He is constantly striving to improve himself, even when he knows that he is already among the best.

Despite his many successes, Totonot still feels a nagging sense of emptiness within him. He has achieved great things as a warrior, but at what cost? He has little in the way of close relationships or personal fulfillment, and sometimes wonders if all the gold and glory in the world can really make up for that.

Totonot dreams of one day becoming the greatest warrior in all the land, feared and respected by all who know his name. He believes that this would finally bring him the sense of satisfaction and validation that he has always craved.

Totonot's greatest regret is that he was never able to fully connect with his own clan. Though he has achieved much success as a warrior, he has always felt like something of an outsider within his own community, and wonders if he could have done more to earn their respect and acceptance.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0