Character portrait
Derho Tewrul
114 years old
89 cm (2'11'')
28 kg (62 lbs)
Derho Tewrul, 114 years old
Male gnome
Archetype: lover
Background: entertainer
Height: 89 cm (2'11'')
Weight: 28 kg (62 lbs)

Derho Tewrul was born into an ebullient family of gnome performers in an animated community buried deep within the ancient Whispering Woods. As vibrant as the color that bounces off their mushroom-capped homes and iridescent fireflies, the Tewrul kin were renowned entertainers playing instruments, juggling petal-framed torch-lit balls, and most particularly, conjuring harmonies from their carved flutes.

His mother, a balladeer with a voice mellower than the autumn wind, nurtures young Derho's love for music. His life's soundtrack is filled with meadow songs, lively beats intrinsically interwoven with his culture and tradition. His father, a nimble-fingered old gnome, crafted the first flute Derho ever played, spurring his passion for music to unfurl like the delicate petals of a moon bloom.

As Derho matures, standing at a proud three feet with his energetic azure eyes always twinkling with thoughts of melodies, he becomes the town's canticle. Day in and day out, his flute’s melodies, lively or tender, echo across the arching trunks of the woods.

His age does not hinder him from performing; instead, it adds a unique charisma to his persona, making him an irreplaceable gem in the heart of the community. His bearded face, resembling gnarled bark with creased lines etched by tales of his century-long existence, is a familiar sight that's as interesting as the stories he weaves through his songs.

The stage, adorned with luminescent moss and fireflies for spotlight, becomes a sacred place for Derho. It is where he had shared his first duet with his buxom wife, Merinda, and where he had taught his daughter, Modwyn, his enduring tunes.

But life is often met with sorrow as much as joy. Derho loses Merinda too soon. Her absence left a chasm in his heart only pacified by the melody of his flute. He soldiered on, his songs layering grief with grit, inspiring hope during somber moonlit vigils.

He faces opposition from a rival gnome clan that condemns the Tewrul's artistry as frivolity. Uric Shadowvein, their leader, constantly attempts to quell Derho's musical performances, but the gnome remains stubbornly passionate about his art.

Derho's quirks are recognized throughout the gnome community — his constant whistling of a hauntingly beautiful tune he composed for his long-gone love, his marked avoidance of candlesticks because of a childhood mishap involving a flame, wax, and a rather striking beard.

A fervent lover of life and its intricacies, Derho holds tight to a simple philosophical credo — "Live in harmony, as the melody with rhythm." But beneath his charismatic smiles, there sits a secret regret, gnawing at his heart like a famished beetle nibbling on an old oak tree. He never taught Merinda the love song he composed just for her.

Years pass, and the deep-set lines on his face deepen, his motions become less lithe, but his music remains vibrant, contagious. His flute, a symbol of his unwavering love for life and music, continues to orchestrate enchanting symphonies under the canopy of the Whispering Woods.

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and amethyst, the wind flutters through the Woods, whispering the tales of Derho Tewrul, the gnome virtuoso.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0