Character portrait
36 years old
164 cm (5'5'')
51 kg (112 lbs)
Semyaza, 36 years old
Female human
Archetype: cleric
Background: noble
Height: 164 cm (5'5'')
Weight: 51 kg (112 lbs)

Semyaza was born to a noble family on the kingdom's fringe, a place where the world's extremes meet. Her family's lifestyle afforded her many opportunities for an adventurous girl, and Semyaza frequently explored the neighboring woods and rivers. She learned to ride and hunt, and developed a love for the natural world.

As a young woman, Semyaza found her calling as a cleric. She was inspired by the elders in her community, who taught her the ways of the divine. She studied magic and prayed for guidance.

Semyaza's prayers were answered. At the ripe age of 24, she was chosen to become the kingdom's protector. By the time she had reached her 30s, she had led her people to victory against all their enemies.

Although her life was full of adventure, Semyaza was never truly afraid. She was confident in her abilities and knew that she could always rely on the power of the divine.

Semyaza met and married a good man, and they had a child together. However, tragedy struck the family soon after. Semyaza's husband was killed in combat, and she was forced to raise her child alone.

Despite the trials she endured, Semyaza never lost faith in the divine. She continued to serve as the kingdom's protector and lead her people to victory.

Today, Semyaza is a grandmother and continues to serve her people with her magic and strength. She is proud of her noble heritage and lives by the life credo she learned as a young woman: "Let bravery be your shield, and faith be your sword."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0