Character portrait
Leris Bertol
28 years old
192 cm (6'4'')
69 kg (152 lbs)
Leris Bertol, 28 years old
Male human
Archetype: lover
Background: courtier
Height: 192 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 69 kg (152 lbs)

Leris Bertol is a young man of unparalleled beauty and calm demeanor. With his long black hair neatly tied back and a small beard adorning his chiseled jawline, Leris turns heads wherever he goes. His appreciative gaze makes those around him feel seen and validated.

While he comes from a relatively ordinary family background, it is said that he is a distant descendant of a famous courtier who once captured the heart of a queen. This lineage has given Leris a heightened sense of charm and elegance, which he uses to navigate the complex social fabric of his world.

As a child, Leris had a close friend who shared his love for the finer things in life. They would spend hours discussing art, music, and fashion, dreaming of one day becoming skilled courtiers themselves. This early friendship helped shape Leris' future development, as he began to immerse himself in the world of high society and all its intrigues.

Throughout his life, Leris has had numerous romantic encounters, often with noblewomen who were drawn to his charm and sex appeal. But it wasn't until he caught the eye of the queen herself that Leris found true love. Their marriage was a scandalous affair, as many were suspicious of Leris' true intentions. But in time, he proved himself to be a loyal and devoted consort, always by the queen's side and ready to defend her honor.

Currently, Leris serves as an advisor to the queen, his calm and rational perspective often helping her navigate difficult political situations. But despite his success, Leris harbors a deep fear of being seen as superficial and shallow. His life credo is to always strive to be authentic and true to himself, even in the face of criticism.

The event that changed Leris' life forever was a terrible accident that left him with a permanent disability. Though he has learned to adapt and overcome his limitations, the experience has left him with a newfound sense of empathy and compassion for those who struggle with physical challenges.

Despite his success and accolades, Leris is still searching for something that he feels is missing in his life. His desire for true connection and intimacy has always eluded him, and he longs to find someone who truly understands him for who he is.

Leris is often referred to as the "King of Courtiers," a nickname he has earned through his impeccable style and charm. But it is his innate sense of kindness and warmth that sets him apart and endears him to those around him.

A symbol that holds great meaning for Leris is the butterfly, a creature of transformation and rebirth. He sees himself as continually evolving and growing, always striving to become the best version of himself.

As for his famous quote, Leris often remarks that "beauty is only skin deep, but true elegance comes from within." These words encapsulate his belief that true greatness lies in one's character, rather than their outward appearance.

Leris' deepest dream is to one day find someone who loves him for who he truly is, flaws and all. He dreams of a life where he can be himself, without the judgment and expectations of others weighing him down.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0