Character portrait
Ap Jiao
battle mage
62 years old
188 cm (6'2'')
89 kg (196 lbs)
Ap Jiao, 62 years old
Male human
Archetype: seeker
Background: battle mage
Height: 188 cm (6'2'')
Weight: 89 kg (196 lbs)

In the Kingdom of Iem, nestled in the province of Dai, Ap Jiao was born into a humble family. Although their roots traced back to Dai, they had long since settled in Iem, forging a life of modesty and simplicity. Ap Jiao's early years were marked by the playful pranks of his family, a loving jest that he endured with good humor. Little did he know that the destiny of a powerful wizard awaited him.

It was during Ap Jiao's formative years that he discovered his innate magical potential. His father, a Journeyman Wizard himself, recognized the budding talent in his son and took it upon himself to pass down the family's arcane knowledge. Under the guidance of his father, Ap Jiao embarked on his magical journey, learning the intricacies of spellcasting and the profound rituals that wove the fabric of the mystical world.

As Ap Jiao honed his skills, he became a respected figure in the town. The townsfolk, in their jesting manner, playfully referred to him as "the old crowned beard," a moniker that stemmed from his distinctive, neatly groomed beard. Despite his youthful appearance, the beard had adorned his face since an early age, lending him an air of wisdom beyond his years. Ap Jiao was a handsome and athletic man, with prematurely graying hair that added to his enigmatic charm.

Content with the simple joys of life, Ap Jiao spent his days traversing the picturesque countryside, where he further refined his magical abilities. His affinity for magic deepened, and his reputation as a skilled wizard grew with each passing year.

In the year 1660, the course of Ap Jiao's life took a momentous turn when he crossed paths with a formidable wizard known as the Mentor. This wise and powerful figure became Ap Jiao's guide and teacher, unlocking the full potential of his magical prowess. Under the Mentor's tutelage, Ap Jiao delved into the intricate realm of invisibility magic, mastering the art of creating a surface that reflected all directional light, rendering himself, objects, and even others invisible. Additionally, his research yielded the ability to swiftly analyze diverse situations and to accelerate his decision-making process in critical moments.

Ap Jiao's reputation soared, and he emerged as one of the kingdom's most esteemed wizards, renowned for his sagacity and mystical prowess. It was during this remarkable period that Ap Jiao found love and married a beautiful young woman named Lас. Their union blessed them with a daughter named Jinfeng the following year, filling their lives with joy and warmth.

For a time, Ap Jiao and Lас enjoyed a blissful marriage, finding solace in each other's company. However, tragedy struck with the unexpected loss of his beloved wife, leaving Ap Jiao to shoulder the responsibilities of parenthood alone. Undaunted, he embarked on a journey with his young daughter, Jinfeng, continuing his magical pursuits and sharing his wisdom along the way.

Ap Jiao's fame as a skilled wizard and his reputation for wit and sagacity continued to spread throughout the kingdom. His journey was marked by profound discoveries, unwavering love for his daughter, and a commitment to harnessing the full extent of his magical abilities.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0