Character portrait
Ayas Zylrie
110 years old
187 cm (6'2'')
62 kg (137 lbs)
Ayas Zylrie, 110 years old
Male elf
Archetype: lover
Background: spy
Height: 187 cm (6'2'')
Weight: 62 kg (137 lbs)

Ayas Zylrie is a male elf who was born 110 years ago in a small village in the middle of a dense forest. His parents were simple wood elves who made their living by hunting and gathering in the forest. Ayas was the youngest of three children and was very small for his age. When Ayas was five years old, his parents were killed by a pack of wolves while they were out hunting. Ayas and his siblings were orphaned and had to fend for themselves in the forest.

Ayas did his best to take care of his siblings, but it was difficult. They were constantly hungry and cold. One winter, when Ayas was seven years old, his sister contracted a cold and died. Ayas was devastated. A few months later, his brother caught a disease and died as well. Ayas was all alone in the world.

He did his best to survive in the forest, but it was difficult. He was constantly hungry and cold. One winter, when Ayas was nine years old, he contracted a cold and nearly died. He was found by a group of Hunters who were passing through the forest. They took him in and cared for him.

Ayas lived with the Hunters for several years. He learned how to hunt and track from them. He also learned how to defend himself. When Ayas was sixteen years old, the Hunters were attacked by a group of bandits. Ayas helped to defend them and was able to kill several of the bandits. The Hunters were so impressed with Ayas that they made him an honorary member of their group.

Ayas Zylrie traveled with the Hunters for several years. He learned a lot from them and became an expert tracker and hunter. He also developed a strong sense of justice. When Ayas was twenty-five years old, the Hunters disbanding and went their separate ways. Ayas decided to stay in the forest and become a tracker for the local lord.

Ayas has been working as a tracker for the past eighty-five years. He is very good at his job and has helped to catch many criminals. He is also an expert in survival and has often been called upon to help people who have gotten lost in the forest.

He is a very kind and gentle person. He is always willing to help others. He is also very loyal and will never betray those who trust him. Ayas is not afraid of anything and is always ready to face danger.

Ayas has a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to punish those who deserve it. He is also very protective of those he cares about and will do anything to keep them safe.

Ayas is an excellent fighter and is very skilled with a sword. He is also a master of stealth and can move silently through the forest without being detected.

He is very close to nature and has a deep connection to the forest. He often speaks to the trees and animals and they seem to understand him.

Ayas is also a talented musician. He often plays his flute for the animals and they seem to enjoy it.

Ayas is married to a beautiful woman named Syndra. They have two children together. Ayas is also very close to his best friend, a man named Dirdir.

He is afraid of nothing. He is a brave and courageous man. Ayas is also very wise and has a great deal of knowledge.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0