Brokojax was born to a mixed race family. Her father was a human and her mother was a lizard. Brokojax was born with a natural talent for battle, and was quickly recruited as a mercenary.
She has fought in many battles, and has learned how to use her powers to her advantage. Brokojax has always been driven to achieve great things, and she is determined to lead her people to glory.
Brokojax is a passionate young woman, and she believes in the power of inspiration. She holds tight to her beliefs, and is determined to make a difference in the world.
Among the lizardmen, Brokojax is considered a beautiful woman. She has bright skin and honey-colored eyes. She loves to wear gold jewelry. She is very fond of using expensive perfumes, and considers the smell to be one of the strongest weapons of every woman.
Brokojax is married to a lizardman named Krag, who is the captain of her military unit.Young spouses are always together, both at home and at work. First of all, they are friends. They have common interests and goals. The couple recently had a daughter, Krakas.
Brokojax is a powerful fighter, and she is determined to safeguard her family and protect them from harm. Her life-defining event was when she emerged as a chosen one, and she is determined to fulfill her destiny.
Brokojax believes that it is important to have strong convictions, and to live life to the fullest. She is a determined young woman with a bright future, and she is sure that she can make a difference in the world.
Brokojax is a young lizardwoman who has discovered her role in the grand scheme of things. She is a chosen one, and will lead her people to glory.