Character portrait
507 years old
226 cm (7'5'')
237 kg (522 lbs)
Karadaur, 507 years old
Male ent
Archetype: sage
Background: hermit
Height: 226 cm (7'5'')
Weight: 237 kg (522 lbs)

In the deep, hidden parts of the ancient Northern Forest, amidst towering oaks and whispering willows, lives Karadaur, a hermit of strange and remarkable origin. Rising above the tallest trees, Karadaur is not just a man but an ent, an astounding creature of bark and sap, leaves and branches - a tree-man.

Karadaur's youth, extending decades beyond that of an average human, is woven tightly with the roots of the forest itself. His early years blur with the cycles of seasons, where growth and learning matched the unperturbed rhythm of the wooded vastness. There were no mentors in the traditional sense for Karadaur; instead, he was wholly tutored by the forest and its inhabitants. He learned the language of the rustling leaves, the meditation of the standing stone, and the stories told by the meandering rivers.

Developing amidst the ebb and flow of life’s natural rhythms, Karadaur further develops an unwavering intrinsic wisdom, adopting the role of the forest's philosopher. He studies the ways of creatures, plants, and weather under his perpetual, mossy gaze. His vast knowledge of herbs, animals, and ancient lore is much sought after by the few who dare to venture into the heart of the forest.

In the current phase of his long and quiet life, Karadaur passionately devotes his time to the protection of his woods. He holds court with squirrels, birds, and occasionally, brave humans, always ready to share his wisdom and his stories. Yet, the counselor position he occupies does not dissolve his solitary nature, for Karadaur loves the lull of solitude, the silent communication with his wooded brethren, and the ancient whispering of the wind.

His solitary world, however, is punctuated by exceptional companions. A curious fox named Ælfric has spent a peculiarly long span of its life under Karadaur’s protection, serving as his companion and confidant. Meanwhile, a tree nymph, Isolde, falls in love with Karadaur’s tranquility and wisdom, eventually binding her heart to him.

Karadaur and Isolde wedding ceremony is a subtle event, marked with the wild flowers’ bloom and the birds’ harmonious chorus. The result of this unusual union is a daughter, Thalia, a vibrant young entling quick to absorb her father’s teachings and her mother’s charm. Later, they have a son, Erdan, a sturdy little tree-boy sharing Karadaur’s imposing stature and patience.

Despite his vast knowledge and immense strength, Karadaur possesses a deep-seated fear for wildfire. It is not the fear of death - such fears have no hold on a being as ancient and eternal as an Ent. Instead, it is the dread of seeing his beloved forest consumed, its creatures homeless, and its tranquility replaced by ashes.

Infused with the calm of centuries-old trees, Karadaur maintains an unruffled and gentle demeanor. He communicates through rustles and creaks, a unique language mastered by few. His wisdom is spread in measured, rhythmic tones, his voice echoing like a breeze through restless treetops. Unhurried, he carries out his lengthy dialogues with a reserve that mirrors the timeless age of his forest home.

Karadaur holds spiritual beliefs that are inseparable from his natural surroundings. He worships the divine in every raindrop on a leaf, every sunbeam breaking through the canopy, and every creature's song filling the air. His belief system affirms the inherent sanctity and interconnectedness of all life.

In his spare time, Karadaur indulges in the silent art of landscaping. He tends saplings, grooms majestic oaks, and shapes babbling brooks, every labor of his hand adding to the forest’s eternal allure. Dreaming is an infrequent luxury for Karadaur, yet when he does, it is always of a world where every creature respects and reveres nature, where every forest spans unbroken towards the horizon.

Above all, respect for all life is Karadaur’s life creed. His philosophy thrives on the understanding that every creature has its purpose, every life matters - from the smallest insect to the mightiest tree, all deserve respect and compassion, for they contribute to the endless cycle of the forest, the cycle Karadaur dutifully guards, the cycle Karadaur embodies.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0