Character portrait
Olmthu Assalogh
38 years old
201 cm (6'7'')
92 kg (203 lbs)
Olmthu Assalogh, 38 years old
Male half-orc
Archetype: lover
Background: inheritor
Height: 201 cm (6'7'')
Weight: 92 kg (203 lbs)

Born in the shadows of a cursed forest, Olmthu was the offspring of an orcish chief. Life was difficult for the young orc, but he quickly learned to adapt to the harsh conditions of the wild. He honed his tracking and hunting skills, becoming a master of the art.

As Olmthu grew older, he discovered that he had a unique gift. He could sense the malevolent spirits that lurked in the forest and could even commune with the monsters that dwelled there. This made him a formidable force to be reckoned with, and the warlocks in his family sought to use his powers to further their own ambitions.

But Olmthu had other ideas. He wanted to forge his own path in the world, free from the constraints of his family's dark plans. So, he left the forest and set out on his own.

In his travels, Olmthu met Ella, a beautiful and powerful druidess. She was on a mission to stop the warlocks and their evil plans, and she saw great potential in Olmthu. The two of them joined forces, and together they battled against the darkness.

Despite their best efforts, Ella eventually fell in battle. Olmthu was devastated, but he knew that he had to carry on. He continued to fight against the forces of evil, using his gifts to protect the innocent and vanquish the darkness.

Now, Olmthu wanders the land as a lone wolf, always on the lookout for new ways to defend the people from the forces of evil. He will never rest until the world is safe from the darkness that threatens to consume it.

As Olmthu wandered the forests, he encountered many dangers. He fought off fierce wolves and deadly snakes, and even faced off against rival warlocks who sought to claim his powers for themselves. But despite the challenges he faced, Olmthu remained determined and focused.

With each passing day, Olmthu grew stronger and more skilled. His senses sharpened, and his powers grew more formidable. He became a fierce warrior, feared by his enemies and respected by his allies. But despite his great strength, Olmthu never lost his compassion. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, and he never hesitated to put himself in harm's way to protect the innocent.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0