Character portrait
Orikibella Forgegut
50 years old
80 cm (2'7'')
20 kg (44 lbs)
Orikibella Forgegut, 50 years old
Female gnome
Archetype: lover
Background: entertainer
Height: 80 cm (2'7'')
Weight: 20 kg (44 lbs)

Orikibella Forgegut was born to a family of entertainers in the small town of Forgegut. She was always the performer, taking to the stage at a young age and honing her craft until she was a master of showmanship. Her love of the spotlight never waned, and she continued to perform well into her 50s, even touring abroad for a time.

Despite her success, Orikibella never lost touch with her roots. When she wasn't on stage, she could always be found in the taverns and tavern brawls, stirring up a little trouble here and there. It was in one such brawl that she met her husband, an ironmonger named Garron.

They married soon after and had a daughter shortly thereafter. However, the union was never a happy one. Orikibella was always frantic, always in a hurry, and Garron found her behaviour frustrating. He eventually left her, taking their daughter with him.

Now retired, Orikibella spends her days drinking in taverns and brooding over the past. She's still talented and still popular, but no one pays her much attention anymore. She's content to just sit and brood in her small home, her only companion the cats she keeps.

However, on one cold, dark night, something stirs inside her. A forgotten flame burns inside her once again, and she can't help but smile when she thinks about the mayhem she could cause on the stage. It's been a long time since she's caused any real havoc, but she's sure she could still put on a show.

And so she does, rebuilding her old repertoire and shaking up the small town once again. The people rejoice and enjoy her mischievous humor, forgetting all about the dark days that once devastated their lives.

When she's not onstage, Orikibella spends her time looking at her old amulet, admiring the intricate patterns etched into the metal. She knows it holds the power to grant her any wish she desires, and so she tirelessly searches for a dream she can finally achieve.

However, there are shadows in her dreams that she can't shake, and she can't help but wonder if they're warning her about something. Maybe it's time she retire again, before her past catches up with her once and for all.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0