Character portrait
176 years old
90 cm (2'11'')
293 kg (646 lbs)
Goocrest, 176 years old
Male gargoyle
Archetype: seeker
Background: soldier
Height: 90 cm (2'11'')
Weight: 293 kg (646 lbs)

Goocrest stands sentinel at the pinnacle of the ancient spire, his muscular, yet lithesome, blue-skinned physique a stark contrast against the darkened horizon. Born into a family steeped in the heritage of duty, his vigilant eyes, filled with an insatiable curiosity, scan the shadowy landscape below. These eyes tell stories of battles fought, of comrades lost, of victories celebrated, but also bear the weight of lonesome lifetimes spent in isolation.

The son of the legendary soldier, Stormclaw, Goocrest was expected to follow the hallowed path of defending their celestial abode. From a young age, the warrior code was his mantra, branded into his very spirit. Yet, while his blood pulsated with the brawn of a soldier, his heart echoed the call of a seeker. His ceaseless desire to question tradition, to seek answers beyond the script of duty — this rebellious spark set him apart, painting him in hues of heresy in the monochrome world of rules.

His early years seeped away slowly within the confines of the spire, his strength augmented, his senses sharpened under the ruthless tutelage of the elder gargoyles. His wings, fresh and untamed, were broken and reshaped, fine-tuned to withstand powerful gusts and resist the allure of unwarranted flights. His youth, spent in molding his outer form to reflect his lineage, left little room for the quiet rebellion brewing within him.

The vibrant energy of Goocrest, unmatched within the hallowed halls of their temple-home, splintered under the pressure of expectations, only to be redefined into something spectacular. Once a soldier, he emerged as a guardian, a protector of those realms which lay beyond the cursory glance.

His marital bond with Moonshine, a maiden gargoyle from a neighbouring clan, blooms as one of balance. Her tranquil presence placates his restless spirit, her wisdom enlightening the darker corners of his being. Together, they fashion a partnership of understanding, respect, and profound love, demonstrating that even stone hearts can feel and beat in unison.

The credo of his life stems from his soldier roots yet deviates into the realm of possibilities. He believes in questioning, in challenging the status quo rather than passive acceptance. His spiritual beliefs echo his adventurous spirit, molded by his skirmishes along the fringes of the known and the unknown. He perceives divinity not as an external entity, but an inner spirit, empowering him to rise beyond ordinary.

Resplendent in his uniqueness, Goocrest owes much of his formidable reputation to his remarkable talent for perceiving threats even before they manifest. His keen intuition and uncanny foresight make him a formidable guardian, his vigil unbroken by the passage of time or force of circumstance.

With a deep, rumbling laugh, a curious quirk that often unveils itself in moments of solitude, Goocrest brings life to the otherwise stoic expanse of stone and sky. Despite his formidable persona, he harbours a dream, a deep-seated yearning to explore the world beneath, to experience the life untouched by his watchful gaze.

His tangled history, revelation of forbidden flights, and clandestine excursions define him as much as his duty and bloodline. Yet, the blue-skinned soldier-seeker remains a symbol, an epitaph of the possibility that pervades even the sternest traditions, the proof that even the seemingly unyielding can bend under the gentle persuasion of an unfettered spirit.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0