Character portrait
54 years old
233 cm (7'8'')
255 kg (562 lbs)
Tazar, 54 years old
Male ogre
Archetype: warrior
Background: mercenary
Height: 233 cm (7'8'')
Weight: 255 kg (562 lbs)

Tazar is a ogre with a horrific personality. He is angry and violent, and his anger is often directed at those he perceives as enemies. Tazar has a reputation as a brutal mercenary, and he is not afraid to use his fists or his claws to get what he wants. Tazar has a life credo that includes the phrase "You best believe it when I say I'll kill you."

Tazar was born to a family of ogres in a remote part of the world. His parents were both fierce warriors, and they taught their son everything they knew about combat. Tazar was also raised in a lifestyle of constant warfare, as his family was always on the lookout for any opportunity to fight.

As a child, Tazar loved nothing more than spending hours on the battlefield fighting alongside his parents. He was fearless and strong, and he was always eager for a fight. Tazar also had a natural talent for fighting, and he quickly became one of the best mercenaries in the world.

Tazar's career as a mercenary was a fruitful one. He fought in many battles, and he always emerged victorious. However, Tazar's life was not always safe. He has faced many dangerous enemies, and he has killed many people in battle. Tazar is not afraid to use his fists or his claws, and he has a reputation for being one of the deadliest mercenaries in the world.

Tazar currently resides in a remote village, where he spends his days drinking alcohol and fighting with the villagers. He is never far from his battleaxes, and he is always ready to fight. Tazar is afraid of no one, and he is always ready to take on any challenge.

Tazar has never married, and he doesn't plan to anytime soon. He believes that women are nothing but trouble, and he doesn't think they're worth the trouble. Tazar is afraid of women, and he prefers to stay alone and drink his sorrows away.

Only once did he get close to one woman, but this did not bring anything good, except that his son was born. Tazar tries not to communicate with the mother of his son, but he simply adores his son. This is the only creature in the world for which he is ready to give his life. Tazar is proud of his son, and he is devoted to teaching him everything he knows about fighting. Tazar hopes his son will one day follow in his footsteps and become one of the world's greatest warriors.

Tazar is a mercenary who always seeks to fight. His life is filled with violence and bloodshed, and he has a violent personality that is often directed at those he perceives as enemies.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0