Character portrait
Ursus Riesz
34 years old
189 cm (6'2'')
90 kg (198 lbs)
Ursus Riesz, 34 years old
Male human
Archetype: destroyer
Background: mercenary
Height: 189 cm (6'2'')
Weight: 90 kg (198 lbs)

Ursus Riess stands tall atop the rugged, windswept cliffs, his piercing ice-blue eyes surveying the roiling sea below. Wisps of his long blond hair whip around him in the relentless gale, a testament to his unconquerable spirit. A lone warrior, a young man no more than twenty winters, he is a testament to the legacy of a mercenary, prepared to destroy.

On his armor-clad shoulders weigh the burdens of a lifetime - the whispered echoes of childhood memories with a friend who somehow vanished like grains of sand through the hourglass, the painful weight of further development that forged him on the anvil of hardship and experience. Ursus is cautious yet not afraid as he strides along his path, aware that a single misstep could send him plummeting into an abyss.

The wind tugs at the tattered fabric on his armor, revealing the origins of his current occupation - remnants of the mercenary emblem, a solemn reminder that his life of loyalty has been wrenched away from him by fate. But Ursus is not alone in this cruel fate, for his brothers and sisters remain in the distance, hidden from view, their lives held in thrall by some mysterious force even they themselves cannot comprehend.

His family relationships are a twisted web of devotion and deceit, where trust is a currency more precious than any jewel - for one cannot easily tell whose pulpy spindles enthrone the venomous spider. Lurking at the heart of their twisted constellation is a fear that shivers down each family member's spine: that they will betray one another before the end, like moths drawn to the seemingly welcoming glow of a candle that will ultimately devour them in flames.

This fear fuels Ursus' life credo, the mantra carved into his flesh and bone: The strong survive the storm, the wolf hunts the weak. Ursus has endured tragic events, lost loved ones to the gnawing blackness that lurks beyond the edge of the known world, but through his unyielding strength, he emerges from each challenge renewed like a phoenix from the ashes.

Yet like any true hero, Ursus possesses an Achilles' heel. A lack of forgiveness is his tragic flaw. Drink it in, savor the dark, bitter taste of vengeance - this is the elixir of his existence, the eye of the tempest that churns within his soul. It is the cold ichor-black iron of the onyx sword that rests at his side, his favorite weapon, as much a part of him as the blood surging through his veins.

Every warrior possesses their own mannerisms, quirks, and habits, but few could claim to understand the mystery that enshrouds Ursus. His life is a twisted tapestry of frayed, nuanced threads. To unlock his secrets is to peer into a labyrinth haunted by shades of the past. The glinting, golden eyes nestled within the gray storm, their origins a mystery that could tear the fabric of his life asunder.

Like the unexpected thunderclaps that echo throughout the battlefields, his complicated history is a series of shocking revelations, each moment of truth a tide of darkness threatening to consume his soul. Amidst all of this turbulence lurks one constant quirk: Ursus Riess strides gracefully through life, slightly weighed down by a hidden disability, always seeking to defy the unfair constraints that bind him.

Upon his armor, a symbol at once terrifying and mesmerizing bisects the night. A serrated, lightning-streaked dagger plunges through an obsidian shield, a defiant declaration that nothing can stand against the unassailable might of Ursus. As storm clouds roil once more, he grips the onyx sword tighter and marches on, a hero made of want and shadows, a man of indomitable spirit, resolute against the setting sun.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0