Character portrait
Ella Lightbeam
25 years old
34 cm (1'1'')
4 kg (9 lbs)
Ella Lightbeam, 25 years old
Female pixie
Archetype: seeker
Background: herbalist
Height: 34 cm (1'1'')
Weight: 4 kg (9 lbs)

Ella Lightbeam was born to a small family of herbalists in the countryside. She was the youngest of four siblings and spent her childhood gathering herbs and making potions in the family’s herb garden. Ella loved all things natural and spent her days exploring the woods and fields around her home.

As Ella grew older, she began to discover her natural gifts as a seeker. She began traveling to different parts of the world in search of new herbs and magical remedies. Ella soon found herself traveling the world alone, until she met a powerful wizard named Magnus who recruited her into his order of Seekers.

Ella quickly rose through the ranks of the Seekers, becoming an expert herbalist and seeker of magical treasures. She spent her days exploring ancient ruins and gathering rare herbs, while her nights were spent studying wizardry and magic.

One day, while Ella was studying in a remote monastery, she came across a magical book that revealed the location of a powerful magical jewel. Ella impulsively decided to follow the clues in the book, even though she knew it would mean leaving her friends and fellow seekers behind.

Ella finally discovered the jewel, but was captured by a gang of bandits who were using the jewel to power a powerful artifact. Ella was able to free herself and the bandits were arrested, but she was injured in the process.

Ella has since returned to her home country and continues to study herbalism and wizardry, while also working as a freelance seeker and magical consultant.

She is married to a powerful wizard named Jace and they have two children. Ella is always quick to adventure and loves spending time exploring the world.

Ella’s life credo is “follow your heart and trust your instincts.” Her famous quote is “life is full of adventure, and there’s no better way to explore the world than on your own.”

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0