Character portrait
32 years old
113 cm (3'8'')
27 kg (60 lbs)
Taarx, 32 years old
Male goblin
Archetype: trickster
Background: watchman
Height: 113 cm (3'8'')
Weight: 27 kg (60 lbs)

Taarx was born to a goblin family living in a city on the edge of the world. He was the runt of the litter and, because of it, was teased and bullied by his older siblings. However, Taarx was a quick learner and soon found his true passion in life - the art of trickery and mischief. He loved to watch people get caught up in his scams, and he always seemed to get away with it.

Taarx's early life was spent watching the city go about its everyday business. He learned everything he could about the ways of the city watch and the people who lived there. He also developed a strong friendship with a fellow watch member, a dwarf named Grom. Grom taught Taarx the importance of discipline and martial skills, and together they spent many happy hours training in the courtyard.

As Taarx grew older, he realized that he had a special talent for pranking. He began to devise ever more elaborate schemes, and his fellow watch members soon started calling him "the trickster." It was during one of his wildest scams that Taarx met his mentor, a nimble elf named Kiel.

Kiel was the master of disguise and infiltration, and he introduced Taarx to the art of stealth and infiltration. With Kiel's guidance, Taarx was able to complete some of the most daring missions the city watch had ever undertaken.

As Taarx grew older, he began to question the ways of his society. He saw the city watch as a repressive and cruel institution, and he began to yearn for something more. One day, Taarx decided to leave the city watch and explore the world beyond. He left behind a trail of pranks and jokes, but he knew that he would one day return to make his mark on the city.

Taarx now leads a life of adventure, wandering the lands in search of new challenges and new scams to perform. He wears a green skin and carries an amulet that gives him the power to transform into any animal he wishes. He is always happy and laughing, and he has many close friends among the other adventurers.

Taarx's life philosophy is simple: enjoy the moment and never take things too seriously. He believes that life is too short to waste time on regrets or remorse. While he has made some mistakes in the past, he is always quick to forgive and move on.

Taarx is a master of disguise and infiltration, and he always puts the safety of his friends and allies first. He is also a powerful combatant, and he has learned to use his magical amulet to transform into any animal he wishes.

If there is one thing that Taarx regrets, it is his lack of self-confidence. He knows that he has the ability to accomplish great things, but he never feels comfortable pushing himself to the limit. He wishes that he could take on more challenges and achieve more greatness, but he knows that he can't dwell on his regrets. Instead, he focuses on the present andis grateful for all the wonderful experiences that he has had.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0