Character portrait
Bork Tumisson
24 years old
198 cm (6'6'')
89 kg (196 lbs)
Bork Tumisson, 24 years old
Male human
Archetype: trickster
Background: soldier
Height: 198 cm (6'6'')
Weight: 89 kg (196 lbs)

In the quaint village of Riverflow, nestled in the kingdom of Remaris, Bork Tumisson was born into a lineage of heroes. His ancestor, Baldur, was one of the greatest warriors the country known – a masterful swordsman and spearman, son of Aldin and Freka. As a young man Baldur embarked on a legendary quest to the kingdom of Atantis, where he faced the fearsome dragon Morkis.

One of Baldur's closest companions was the wizard Merdal, who would later become Bork's mentor. Under Merdal's tutelage, Bork learned not only the arcane arts but also the virtues of honor, peace, and personal growth. Merdal instilled in him the wisdom to wield his swordsmanship for noble causes.

With Merdal's teachings etched into his soul, Bork set forth on a journey that took him to distant lands – the kingdom of Atantis, the island of Calmari, the realm of Amion. He fought valiantly in numerous battles, earning a reputation as a courageous and formidable warrior.

These days, Bork resides in the town of Bree, within the kingdom of Abanor, serving as a soldier tasked with safeguarding its people. A content soul, he finds joy in the thrill of combat when defending those he loves, ever brave and willing to aid his friends without hesitation.

Bork's skills with the blade are unparalleled, allowing him to dispatch any adversary with ease. Yet, beneath his martial prowess lies a kindhearted nature, always ready to lend a hand to those in need. He is a diligent worker, striving to exceed the expectations of his superiors.

His devotion extends to the lord of the underworld, Hades, whose principles guide Bork's every step. Cherishing the company of friends, he is a wellspring of loyalty, unwavering in his support through all circumstances.

Tucked away in the recesses of his mind is a recurring dream – a vision of him journeying to Atantis, where the emperor proclaims Bork as the rightful heir to the throne. Though an open book to most, Bork harbors secrets known only to himself.

His weapon of choice, the sword, is an extension of his being in close-quarter combat. Bork carries himself with dignified grace, a consummate professional in public spheres. Honor is his guiding light, and he strives to live a life brimming with happiness and indulgence.

Bork's life credo echoes through his every action: "Live each day to the fullest, and do what makes you happy."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0