Character portrait
43 years old
192 cm (6'4'')
103 kg (227 lbs)
Girak, 43 years old
Male beastman
Archetype: damsel
Background: concubine
Height: 192 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 103 kg (227 lbs)

In the golden city of Garaldum, shrouded by verdant wilderness and iridescent rivers, sits the dazzling palace of King Andolian. Within its high walls lives Girak, an enchanting eared beastwoman of exceptional beauty. Vivid stacks of red hair fall in waves just past her waistline, matching the fiery intensity reflected in her far-too-knowing eyes. She is not a common sight in the palace, for she is a hybrid, the lineage of a human mother and a fearsome beastman father.

Unusually young but blessed with unique regenerative abilities, Girak manages to instill awe in everyone she meets. Her ability to heal swift is not her only mystery. She is born with another psychic power, a gift to read and understand the thoughts of others, a talent which she guards with utmost discretion.

A descendent of a famed beastman hero and moulded by a rigorous youth to become the object of the king's passions, Girak is currently the king's favorite concubine. She is not oblivious to the whispers, the stares, nor the political intricacies that her position entails. Still, she maintains a graceful detachment, choosing to focus on fulfilling her duties and making the most out of her peculiar situation.

Girak’s motives, however, are far from surface-level ambitions. Burdened by the weight of her lineage and fueled by her desire to maintain her sense of identity and freedom, societal constrictions are but stepping stones to her. She observes, she learns, and she plans, always staying three steps ahead.

Her marriage to the king is more an alliance than a traditional union. Despite her status as a concubine, she stands as a confidante to King Andolian, using her perceptivity to cushion his tendencies of impulsiveness and tyranny.

Girak’s most profound relationship, however, is with her children. A daughter, nimble, curious, bearing her sharp intellect, and a son, strong, resilient, a spitting image of her dauntless spirit. They are the sunshine in her somewhat cloudy existence, her purpose, her motivation.

Often known by her title 'The Sapphire Eyed', Girak emits an undeniable charisma. Her laughter is soft and genuine; her demeanor, although shrouded in mystery and anticipation, is somehow endearing. Rarely seen without her enchanted beaststone, a magical artifact passed down her lineage, she carries the responsibilities it embodies with pronounced grace.

Such is the mystique of the young, eared, beautiful, hybrid, red-haired Beastwoman who has rewritten the destiny of her fascinating lineage. She navigates the tense politics of the king’s court with caution, all while remaining true to her unique self. The story of Girak, the beast concubine, is a tapestry woven with intrigue and survival, fueled by perseverance and a profound understanding of the world around her.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0