Character portrait
153 years old
232 cm (7'7'')
197 kg (434 lbs)
Tirshi, 153 years old
Non-binary draconid
Archetype: outcast
Background: mercenary
Height: 232 cm (7'7'')
Weight: 197 kg (434 lbs)

Tirshi hails from the storm-battered cliffs of Eregosta, a region well-known for its ancient dragon lairs and cryptic runes imbued with eldritch energy. Born under the celestial union of the twin moons, Tirshi comes from a lineage of esteemed warriors, but chose the solitary path of a mercenary. Their ancestry can be traced back to the venerable draconid clan known as the Dkonis, who once ruled the skies and commanded reverence from both mortal and mythic beings alike.

Their early life was a crucible of harsh trials and relentless training. Tirshi's youth was marked by rigorous combat drills and intense scholarly pursuits in the ancient libraries of Eregosta. These pursuits, however, were overshadowed by a childhood trauma inflicted during a perilous raid by rival clans. This violent conflict left Tirshi's family decimated, solidifying their status as an outcast and their resolve to master the art of war.

Surviving that trauma inculcated a steely resolve and unyielding ferocity in Tirshi as they ventured into the realms beyond Eregosta, offering their skills in exchange for coin and honor. Their current occupation is that of a lone warrior-for-hire, traversing lands both familiar and foreign, driven by a motive that intertwines vengeance and a yearning for reconciliation with their past. Wearing dark, durable clothing that does little to diminish their striking appearance.

Among the many enemies Tirshi has garnered over centuries, none stand out more than Vilkas, a shadowy figure believed to have orchestrated the raid that marked Tirshi's childhood. Their intricate dance of pursuit and evasion adds tension to every step Tirshi takes, sharpening their already potent survival instincts.

Tirshi's talents extend beyond combat; they possess an uncanny ability to decipher ancient runes and texts, often sought after for their wisdom in matters arcane. Their mannerisms convey a sense of ancient wisdom and poise; a rapid flick of the tail to punctuate a point, a piercing gaze from yellow eyes that seem to read the very essence of one's soul.

A famous quote remembered by those who have fought alongside Tirshi is, "In every scale, a story; in every scar, a lesson." It's a testament to their lived experiences and the learning they've drawn from every encounter. Their single regret, buried deep within their hardened exterior, is failing to protect their kin during that fateful raid in their childhood—an event that continues to haunt their dreams.

Their tangled history with magic and warfare, combined with their ageless demeanor, make them a living enigma. When the rare occasion arises for levity, Tirshi's favorite joke—a wry nod to their draconid heritage—is delivered with a glint in their eye: "Why don't dragons ever get lost? Because wherever they go, they always make a fiery impression."

A dragon-etched medallion, sparkling with imbued enchantments, serves as a symbol of their eternal quest — a reminder of their origins, the battles fought, and the ever-present hope for redemption and honor.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0