Character portrait
Arobiar Pustotsvet
240 years old
249 cm (8'2'')
281 kg (619 lbs)
Arobiar Pustotsvet, 240 years old
Non-binary ent
Archetype: mage
Background: ranger
Height: 249 cm (8'2'')
Weight: 281 kg (619 lbs)

In the heart of the White Tower Forest, amidst ancient trees adorned with vibrant mosses and sheltering countless creatures, stands Arobiar Pustotsvet. It is said that when the morning sun kisses the tree line, their pink leaves shimmer against the green expanse as if refusing to bloom, a reminder of the complexity hidden below their sturdy exterior. Arobiar is an Ent, standing tall and proud, their long roots delving deep into the earth while their branches extend to the skies above.

Arobiar's origin is a story passed down through generations of treefolk, but it is not one they speak of often. Born from a seed that had been touched by the essence of the sacred Heartwood Grove, Arobiar grew within the embrace of the profound wisdom and consciousness of the ancient forest. As they aged, their knowledge of the natural world expanded, their thoughts intertwined with the whispers of their treasured home.

The earliest memories of their sapling years are imbued with warmth and love. Arobiar would play among the birds and small creatures that inhabited their branches, learning the subtle language of the flora and fauna surrounding them. Even then, their profound connection to the earth pulsated within.

Initially, Arobiar embraced the path of a ranger, living in harmony with their environment and protecting the sacred balance of their home. Their knowledge of the forest, from the tallest trees to the smallest buds, was unparalleled. But fate had other plans.

One dew-kissed morning, as Arobiar tended to the injured wing of a woodland sprite, they felt a sudden surge of energy from deep within. The air around them wavered as if stirred by an invisible hand. With cautious curiosity, they let this newfound power flow through their fingertips and into the wound. To their astonishment, the sprite was healed.

As word of Arobiar's gift spread through the White Tower Forest, Aulandir, an elven king, took notice. Intrigued by this new mage and their connection to nature, he sought to harness this power for his own endeavors. Arobiar hesitated. While they were eager to learn more about their gift, they did not believe in using their powers without the balance and harmony of nature guiding it.

The tension between Arobiar and Aulandir fractured and discontent simmered among the forest denizens. Arobiar stood against the king and his intentions, igniting a rebellion that changed the very fabric of the forest.

Arobiar now lives with the weight of the rebellion on their shoulders. In the White Tower Forest, they have come to be known as the "Rootedwill," a loving guardian of the wilds, fierce and resourceful, ever devoted to the ancient ways. Their secret, however, is the far-reaching earth magic that drifts through their veins like rivers in the soil. They fear what might happen if they unleash this power again and what changes it could bring to their world. Nevertheless, the need to protect their home and its creatures remains an unbreakable force.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0