Character portrait
20 years old
236 cm (7'9'')
316 kg (697 lbs)
Narvag, 20 years old
Non-binary ent
Archetype: villain
Background: shaman
Height: 236 cm (7'9'')
Weight: 316 kg (697 lbs)

Narvag encompasses the contradiction of being simultaneously young and timeless. His essence is older than the oldest tree, yet within his massive form, he carries the spirit of a sapling, fresh and vibrant. A hulking form of bark, branches, leaves, and mystery, graced with hair made of plant branches that sway with his every mood. A young villian of the forest, he is a cursed being, born out of a reckless act of astromancy, a form of magic that deals with harnessing the celestial energies.

Brimming with raw power, every fiber of Narvag's being resonates with a unique form of magic, one that allows him to communicate with spirits, summon them, and even control them, an ability as impressive as it is terrifying. Yet, the most unsettling aspect of his magic is his capability to inhabit inanimate bodies, stealing the victim's soul once they are dead.

Narvag pulses with life himself, yet he carries an underbelly of darkness that often reveals itself in grumpy outbursts and impulsive actions, traits that have earned him equal parts awe and fear within his guild, the Coven of the Weeping Willows. With him as a guild member, they have access to the power of nature unchecked and a reservoir of celestial connections, making them a formidable force even among the arcane community.

His only known confidante is a mischievous pixie named Etty, who, in her fearless ardor, is the only creature that Narvag seems to tolerate with a level of affection. His alliance with Etty is an unconventional one. Despite not sharing the same abrasive nature as him, she tolerates his moods, and he handles her nonstop chatter, forming a curious bond that plays a crucial role in shaping their adventures.

Beneath the tough exterior, Narvag harbors an innate fear of fire, a dread that roots in the vulnerability of his wooden form. This fear reflects profoundly in his spiritual beliefs where he reveres the Moon, as a symbol of coolness and serenity, a perfect antithesis to the destructive heat of fire.

His adventures are filled with strange occurrences and nail-biting encounters; some bringing him close to his death, others inching him closer to unraveling the mysteries of his existential enigma. Over the years, he has earned various titles and nicknames within the realm, some flattering like the "Soul Harvester," while others mocking his grumpiness like the "Gnarly Bark" or "Wooden Frown."

Eccentric in manners and given to odd behaviors, Narvag has a questionable taste in food, relishing woodlice and tree buds with unparalleled enthusiasm. And when in an unusual good mood, he would share his favorite anecdote - the comical tale of a spirit confused between a bear and a bee, a story that always manages to extract childish giggles from Etty.

As far as crime is concerned, Narvag does not shy away from darker paths if they serve his goals. His ruthless use of magic to control spirits labels him a wrongdoer in the eyes of the magical community. Yet, every action carries a mystery, a twisted purpose that ties back to his enigmatic existence.

"Foliage foretells the fate," Narvag says in his rumbling voice that echoes his primary philosophy - that nature holds the answers to every existential question.

The notable element of his character is the mystery surrounding his origin, and it is intertwined with his own struggle to decipher his nature and purpose. His own life, steeped in uncertainties and existential enigmas, makes him an enigma in himself, living a twisted story that blurs his lines between a hero and a villain.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0